After our toothless performance against Dortmund i went on the - TopicsExpress


After our toothless performance against Dortmund i went on the Arsenal page and Aaron Ramseys to speak my mind. The comments had thousands of likes and replies because majority of the fans felt the same way. I went back again this morning to speak my mind only to discover that my comments were not allowed to become public regardless on which thread i post them, and yet i see other peoples post after mine. Have i being blacklisted? Is my facebook acting up? Se mo soro ju ni? Anyway, this is what i have on my mind to share with them this morning: I said it after the Galatasary win that the team selection and formation on that day was due to injury and not Wengers intention. I think those who got carried away by the win have now being brought back to reality. Wenger will rather throw away points than to be proved wrong on his tactics. Give Mourinho this Arsenal team and pass on the Chelsea team to Wenger to manage, set up a match next week and Mourinho will still win Wenger. The reasons are simple: While Mourinho will field players who are fit to perform, set up a winning game plan, and raise their mentality to win; Wenger will play Costa on the left wing, push Harzard back to the DM, play Drogba simply out of loyalty even though not fit, and ultimately just tell the boys to go and enjoy themselves on the pitch. How on earth was Ozil left on the pitch while Carzolar was subbed?! I have seen managers make changes as early as 30mins into the game, and they have no apology for that because their job is to WIN and any player thatll not contribute towards this purpose has to go. Those are managers with WINNING MENTALITY. Wenger is a specialist at making changes at the 70th minute. NOT EARLIER EVEN IF THE TEAM IS IN DISARRAY!!! Even when these players come on, they have no specific or detailed instruction on what to do to change the course of the game in our favour. They simply go in and join the madness for the last 20 mins by which time the other team would have switched their game to protect their lead. Why do good players come to Arsenal and turn bad? It is either they are not as good as they have being hyped to be or something is simply wrong with the manager under which they play or the whole team set up. Ill leave everyone reading this to make up thier minds. As far as im concerned, Ozil should be locked up somewhere and be forced to watch tapes after tapes of Silver to understand what his role in that team is. Silver is one of the smallest footballer in the Man-city set up yet he controls the game. He is one of the most difficult players to shrug off the ball. He make tackles, the way he opens up team is magical. He is always running for the team. The closest player who does this at Arsenal is Carzolar, yet he gets benched for lazy Ozil to play. Its one thing to say Ozil is being played out of position, it is another thing to see him put in a shift while on. Even Oscar yesterday was throwing himself infront of balls to block shots just to protect the lead of his team. We do not need luxury players. We need effective players. Scsczney though a decent goalie is another disaster waiting to happen but Wenger has not even spotted that yet for him to allow Ospina have a run of games inorder to jolt Scszney back to his senses. Football is not only about tecniques. Players need to be tough. Mourinho clearly instructed his boys to kick us off the park yesterday. His simple game plan was to upset our movements and flow which worked for him. Did we have any player who stood up to these tackles? Did our manageer see this to do anything about it? Only Welbeck made one strong challenge to make a statement. I know he did not learn this at Arsenal, this was embedded in him at Man-utd. NO MESSING AROUND ON THE PITCH. Wenger inherited these types of players when he came to Arsenal, but he soon changed all of them for soft, technical, diminutive players to play tika-tika football. Priemier league is not Maltese league. You need physically strong players as well to balance the team. Send players like Ozil to the gym, let him bulk up to be able to withstand challenges. Dont play him until he improves. Stop playing players based on past reputation or price tag. Play them based on their current form and the contributions they can make to the team. No Arsenal fan should get angry anymore for loosing matches. Get use to it. We still have to put up with wenger for the next 3 years. The board wont sack him and he wont resign.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 08:37:45 +0000

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