After pondering it for many years and with a background past or - TopicsExpress


After pondering it for many years and with a background past or current in business, finance and investments i concluded that people have a two in three chance of becoming wealthy or financial free ....People can work for money ,have money work for them ,or both work for and have money work for them .Working for money only.. will not make you wealthy and may not even give you a living ....the other two will however be moderate ,good or exceptional any of which should be desired and pursued. The present scenario of of the majority being unemployed will widen the gap between the aspiration and results of the haves and the have not.It is why this may be the most disastrous period of our countrys history.Present policies may make it impossible for some to ever recover and enjoy the American dream.After years of blaming others for plights real and imagined and to now have foray into the highest office in land to discover it all lies within you and no one can really help you to dream.People or circumstances can help realise your dreams but you may have to dream it first or /and its ok to borrow some one else dream too ....But it starts with that ...a dream and as MLK you have a dream or do you have a dream to work with ....To dream again or even to steal a dream is perhaps the best path to wealth. My dreams were always fluid an i will discard one to be replaced by another...I have shelves of dreams waiting to emerge or to take their places in the scheme of things.I do believe they are all achievable and i have always said as a teenager and in earlier days that if i ever live in America it would be to live and work on Wall Street was years before i remembered that and realised that i was doing that .You may not realise all your dreams but those that you do will make you happy and dream big ...the sky is not mankind limit and dream big enough to share it with those who have lost the ability to dream.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 14:10:52 +0000

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