After you eat do you feel bloated, weighed down, have indigestion, - TopicsExpress


After you eat do you feel bloated, weighed down, have indigestion, low energy, or feel tired? You might not believe this, but it’s most likely the order in which you are eating your foods. Sounds crazy right? Well here you will learn to eat your food in an orderly fashion. What We Were Never Taught We have been taught which foods we should eat and how much. But one of the most important information we did not receive is that different foods digest at different rates and this affects the digestive system. This might sound strange, and even weird, but it’s the truth. Fast Fruits Many people will eat their meal and follow it up with some fruit. Bad choice! Fruit digests the fastest in your system, around 20 to 30 minutes. Berries and liquids digest at a faster rate while fruits such as apples and pears a little slower. When we eat other foods before fruit it can’t digest properly. Foods that digest at a slower rate are still in the digestive system and the fruit can’t get in. As it sits awaiting its turn, it starts to ferment causing bloating and gas. Fruit is therefore best to be eaten on an empty stomach before any other food. This will allow your body to absorb the nutrients quickly and give you a burst of energy. Chew Those Veggies There’s a lot of fibre in vegetables, which your body has a hard time breaking down. At the same time they include important enzymes which aid in the digestion process. It is for this reason that it’s vital to chew those vegetables well. The majority of vegetables are digested within 30-40 minutes. Vegetables like cucumbers, peppers, and vegetables that have been steamed or cooked digest at a faster rate, while roots take longer. To receive the full benefits of vegetables for digestion it’s better to eat them raw. Soak ‘Em! All grains, lentils, and beans should be soaked before cooking. The recommended time for soaking is at least 24 hours. This aids in releasing enzymes that are help digestion and also helps to avoid flatulence. It also neutralises the toxins that naturally occur in them. This group can take up to 90 to 120 minutes to digest, faster when cooked, but slower when eaten raw. Digesting Dairy & Meat Dairy is a big part of our society’s diet and it also takes a lot longer to digest than the previously mentioned foods. Some dairy products only take 90-120 minutes to digest while others take hours. Cheese, we love our cheese, cheese burgers, cheese and crackers, grilled cheese and so on can take up to 4-5 hours to digest. Meat, another food we are in love with has varying digesting rates: fish 30-60 minutes, chicken 90-120 minutes, turkey 120-145 minutes, beef and lamb 4-5 hours, and pork 4.5-5 hours. Eggs only take 30 minutes to digest. Fats Fats have the longest digestive rate. For example nuts take up to 2.5-3 hours to digest. The reason fats take longer to digest is because your body uses it for energy. If you’re working out, consider eating a small meal two hours beforehand consisting of carbohydrates, fat and protein. Doing this will give you enough energy and help minimise the possibility of intestinal issues. Keep Your Digestive System Healthy This might leave you thinking now what will I do? Just keep in mind which foods digest the fastest and slowest this will lead to a healthier digestive system. What it means for you is that you will feel better, look better and eliminate the need for indigestion medication. However don’t go crazy over digestion times – use them as a guide.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 21:52:08 +0000

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