After you read this ask yourself if youve fallen for Krugmans - TopicsExpress


After you read this ask yourself if youve fallen for Krugmans false argument? Youd think the generation that witnessed the rise of China and the Pacific Rim countries or economies would be EXTREMELY adept at seeing through a violation of the basic law of supply and demand. But, we arent. We are soaked in false compassion about peoples welfare instead of being steeped in helping them help themselves! In context of this Walt Williams article let me help you think through his argument a 2nd time (read it first). You see if you double the price of ANYTHING in the value chain (each aspect of bringing a product to market) would ultimately either force consumer prices up or force the vendor to find ways to cut costs. Either that or they go out of business at worst, or at best they suffer with making low wages while owning a headache of being a business owner and employer (working 17 hours a day, etc.) But, it gets worse. Now consider another law: I call it the Rich Person Rule/Law. It is when a vendor or business owner is making a lot of money, or theyve GOT a lot of money (or power), which drives/fuels their MOTIVATION (human nature) to KEEP it at any cost to other people. Sure, there are a few compassionate millionaires and billionaires out there, but even THEY only work within the Law of The Rich Person. This law cuts through ALL education levels, race, gender or country of origin. Let me repeat it is that they work furiously to KEEP their wealth, power and position at ANY COST TO OTHER PEOPLE. They are NOT loyal to their country or to their neighbors. Their mantra? Its business.. America is the declining giant among economies PRECISELY because of this law AND the Law of Supply and Demand. The monstrous corporations who controlled manufacturing and agriculture saw prices creeping up which lead to reduced profits. Its the iron-clad Law of Supply and Demand pricing that this will ALWAYS happen. What did they do? Did they go out of business? NO. They moved their production business to foreign soil where they could take advantage of cheap labor. Hence, the rise of 3rd World economies. But, wait, it gets worse... There is one more Law at work here. Its called the Law of Disintermediation. This law played out with Walmarts take over of retail. What they did was begin a process of driving out or crushing the middle man. Disintermediation means: Cut Out Whats In Between. Essentially, Walmart CRUSHED the value chain which freed up a significant portion of dollars SAVED. Youd think they would pass that on to their customers and youd be right. So, they lowered prices just enough that their competition had a very difficult time matching it. What did this do to the US economy in small and midsize towns? It forced the small business owners OUT--completely. It was a price war and Walmart could hold their breath longer. Furthermore, it forced manufacturers to have to sell through Walmart. 20 to 30 years ago you could NOT find a pair of Nike or Reeboks on Walmarts shelves. But, due to the law of Disintermediation thousands of outlets dried up. Nike either had to open its own stores and sell direct or they had to work with Walmart. What did they do? They acquiesced and manufactured a CHEAP version of their shoes. Yeah, thats right. CHEAP, inferior and plentiful--for the growing Walmart shoppers. In the end the only ones who lost out were the middlemen, but now what does Walmart do if they have to pay their workers an additional $5 to $15 per hour? I predict they will, along with all the other big box retailers, will automate and cut workers. And, Ill be right, but not because Im so smart, but because I know these laws. And now you do, too. Communism and Socialism are seductive approaches because they promise that theres plenty to go around only let the government take control of it so that theres fairness, equity and social justice for all. But, they, too, violate these laws, OR, the promoters of it know that theyre going to get the spoils of war when the American people finally cut the cord with Capitalism and Freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution. They will keep their power and CUT you. And, you vote them in. Its suicide and slavery all wrapped into one nice little Political Ad package. Theres a reason why communism failed, is failing and will always fail. It violates the basic laws of human nature--supply and demand, and the Rich Person Rule. History is not so stupid as to hide this reality from us. Just Google it. When you move power into the hands of an all-stupid government run by devious, dishonest and conspiring men and women who WANT power then its just a matter of time before THAT country will fail. Remember the Law of the Rich Person? At work in our government right before our very eyes. (For example, when Hillary Clinton had the audacity to say they were poor just like us I about had a conniption fit. It is a LIE and derives from this law. Its no different when Mitt Romney knows that hell make back the money he spent on his failed election attempt. Trust me its the Law of the Rich Person at work. I would like to think that Mitt would have been more skilled at managing the financial future of our country, but make no mistake he is a Rich Man along with most of the elite in Washington D.C. How many home does Al Gore own?) Might I invite you to stop voting for the constant expansion of government power? Vote against it. Vote FOR your future freedom in other words. And, although, it appears that the Democrats are the leading offender here its also the Republicans who spend, spend, spend and then vote for MORE power to be in their hands. Its BOTH of these dominant parties that fight with millions and billions of dollars to deceive us into believing that Big Government is the answer. It isnt.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 13:29:02 +0000

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