Afumba Mombotwa leading Linyungandambo sayswe want to deal with - TopicsExpress


Afumba Mombotwa leading Linyungandambo sayswe want to deal with Zambia once and for all appeals for funding In another development (BNC) Barotse National congress led by Chazele Mulasikwanda deputised by Muyangwa Mungwaluku who happen to be the only leaders after breakaway from BFM have set January 20th the day for the by- election of Zambia as a massive demonstration to demand for self-determination. Afumbas statement here below 19th November, 2014. CAUTION TO ALL PEOPLE OF BAROTSELAND KINGDOM No Barotzish can deny the existence of Barotseland, even if he/she is gluttonous. Really, normal people and those who are sincere do know that, the Barotse National Council and declaration of independence of Barotseland are a reality. Surely, we cannot keep on repeating the same thing like a broken stereo record. Barotse National Council is a supreme democratic congress of the highest order in the territory of Barotseland above the Privy Council; whose decision is final, binding and cannot be questioned by anybody within the Barotseland Territory. The Barotse National Council can only be called for, when the nation is confronted with a problem that requires tacit and consent of the people. The council does not deal with prerogative of the sovereign. Those devoid of understanding, distort the information and mislead the world by asserting that there is a dispute between Barotseland and Zambia. There is no dispute at all! The Barotzis have nothing to do with Zambia any more. Nobody can deceive God!! Those who desire peace do not: . Lie to others . Deceive others . Delude others . Betray other people . Cheat other people . Beguile others . Oppress and kill people who demand for their rights!! The hypocrites preach peace, but that which brings peace is abhorred. All the Barotzis know that the country of Zambia was built on the foundation of deceit, delusion and double standards. Zambia signed an agreement with Barotseland; the only basis of relationship and yet the same Zambia did not abide by that Agreement, and continued to move with pride with their shoulders high. Whosoever questioned the nullification of the Agreement became an arch enemy of the entire people of Zambia especially the police and risked his life. Zambian Presidents; all of them were occupied with coercion of Barotseland. They believed that they could do whatever they wanted because they have the muscles. The Christian Bible says: the devil is a liar; he does not stand in truth, and he is the father of lies. How many Zambian Christians know that? To state that the future of Barotseland was entrusted into the hands of dishonest and unfaithful people is to depict the spirit of the father of all lies. Zambians passed devious Acts invalidating alliance code (Agreement) after that it became the order of the day for the security men to constantly flock to Barotseland to reinforce coercion now, while Zambian Pastors pray for peace of Zambia. The clergy in Barotseland have to pray for the prosperity of Barotseland, the land of our fore fathers. All Zambians know about the BNC Resolutions including their late President Mr. Sata; those who think we are weak deliberately ignore this. At this juncture, let all the Barotzis be patriotic for their nation and contribute financially; those along the line of rail in the remote parts of Barotseland and in diaspora friends including those in security and well-wishers, the youths and the old; we wish to deal with Zambia accordingly once and for all. Litunga ni lyetu! Rt. Hon. Afumba Mombotwa Administrator General Royal Barotseland Kingdom
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 21:10:42 +0000

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