Agnostic atheism is the only rational position to take. Agnostic - TopicsExpress


Agnostic atheism is the only rational position to take. Agnostic theism is slightly less rational. Gnosticism of any kind is entirely irrational. Maybe a god exists. Maybe a god doesnt exist. Whether multiple or not, it doesnt matter. At the end of the day, there is zero evidence for any known deity conceived by man. No matter how much apophenia or pareidolia you throw at the world, there isnt anything there. The question of Does (a) god exist? has the same results regardless of the answer: It doesnt matter. Because either a god DOES exist, but it is a passive entity (i.e. created the universe and just let the ball roll on its own), or a god DOES NOT exist. Either way, theres nothing to worry about. Anyone who bothers to look into the history of christianity can see from a mile away that it isnt widespread because the idea of a water-walking jewish zombie who raped his own teenage mother so that he could sacrifice himself to himself to remove from human souls an evil force that is present ever since a naked woman took dietary advice from a talking serpent, is something that makes sense and stands up to scrutiny. Christianity is only widespread through countless bloodshed and violence. Anyone who bothers to scrutinize the bible will not only find inconsistencies (both with itself and reality at large) but blatant contradictions and blatant falsehoods. The thing about holy texts is that their supposed wisdom is limited to that of its authors. Holy texts in general always use such vague, broad language for its metaphors that its piss-easy to make it apply to a multitude of situations or scenarios and claim divinity. The most condemning thing about the claim that the bible is divinely-inspired is the fact that it is debatable at ALL. If the bible had mentioned say, bacteria, or the higgs boson/field, or newtons second law of thermodynamics (or even had calculus in it, since newton invented that shit), or basically ANYTHING highly specific and complex, then sure. As it stands, the bible is just a worthless collection of uncorroborated folktales and plagiarized mythology. Its authors are unknown, and the gospels show extensive signs of forgery. At the end of the day, nothing separates christianity from any other myth. In another hundred years or so, Disney (if it is still around) will make a movie called Jesus in the same way it made a movie a few decades ago called Hercules, and Yaweh/Allah/Jehovah/God will join the same annals of history that zeus and his pantheon, or odin and his pantheon, now occupy. This is a fact.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 20:41:49 +0000

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