(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) Born on 9th Rabi Al-Awwal 1349 - TopicsExpress


(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) Born on 9th Rabi Al-Awwal 1349 A.H.(August 1930) in the holy city of Mashhad, Ayatullah Sistani was named Ali after his grandfather. Brought up in a family known for its religious background, he learned theological and rational sciences from many well-known religious scholars. He ranks among the brightest, most qualified and knowledgeable of Imam al-Khu’i’s former students. His Eminence started learning the Holy Quran at the age of 5, and thereafter was enrolled in a religious center for reading, writing, basic mathematics and geography. In 1360 A.H. (1941) he began studying basic Hawza lessons. He read several books in law, philosophy, and sath (intermediate level of Hawza) among others. He also attended several lessons and lectures. In 1368A.H. (1949) Ayatullah migrated to Qum to accomplish his studies in Fiqh and Usul. In 1380 A.H. (1960) Ayatullah Sistani traveled back to his hometown, the holy city of Mashhad, with plans to settle in it. In the same year, he was awarded a permit by Imam Al-Khui and another by Shayk Hilli, certifying that he had attained the level of (ijtihad)- deduction of legal judgment in matters of religion. He was also awarded a diploma by the distinguished traditionalist and scholar Shakh Agha Buzurg Tehrani testifying to his skill in the science of Rijal biographies of hadith, prophetic traditions, narrators and that of hadith. Upon returning to Najaf Ashraf in 1381 A.H. (1961), he embarked on research and teaching jurisprudence as expounded by the great jurist Shaikh al-Ansari in his book al-Makasib, He followed it with an exposition of al-Urwatul Wuthqa book by the jurist Sayyid Tabatabaye. He started giving lectures (externals) in fundamentals of jurisprudence in Shaban, 1384 A.H. (1964) He completed its 3rd course in 1411 A.H. (1990 A.D.). In 1418 A.H., he began teaching Kitab Al-Etikaaf after completing exposition on Kitab Al-Sawm not so long ago. Some professors of Najaf Center for Theological Studies (Hawza of Najaf) were quoted as saying that they advised the late Ayatullah Khui to groom someone for the office of the supreme religious authority and the directorship of Najaf Seminary. The choice fell on his Eminence, Grand Ayatullah Sistani for his merits, eligibility, knowledge, and impeccable character. Accordingly, he started leading the prayer in Imam al-Khuis mosque, al-Khadra at his life time in 1408 A.H (1987) and continued leading prayers until the mosque was closed in 1414 A.H.(1993). Those who have the opportunity to associate with Ayatullah Sistani will notice the level of spirituality he earns. This feature has rendered him one of high ranks scholars and a true pious. However, the most remarkable characteristics of Ayatullah Sistani are the following: • Equity and respecting others • Discussing subjects politely • Training beside education • Piety • Intellectual works Ayatullah Sistani has the highest rank among the mujtahids and scholars throughout the Islamic World, and especially in the hawzahs of Najaf Ashraf and Qum and is one of a few students who have the degree of Ijtihad. Ayatullah Sistani is a brilliant personality who not just a faqih, but also a well-educated personality. He is acquainted with the most of contemporary knowledge and civilizations and has modern thoughts and opinions. Ayatullah is mindful of the international economic and political information. His eminence can be considered as a modern faqih with genuine principles. May Aytatullah be granted a long life with the best of health and strength to continue guiding the community with his knowledge and expertise.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 21:46:39 +0000

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