Albert Einstein had a natural ability other men did not have. - TopicsExpress


Albert Einstein had a natural ability other men did not have. Most agree there were only five or six men in the entire world with the ability to understand his theory of relativity when it was first introduced. Usain Bolt, the great Jamaican runner, has a natural ability most other men do not have. He holds the world record for both 100 and 200 meters. Both Albert Einstein and Usain Bolt accomplished their great feats primarily because of their special natural abilities. Because most other men do not have the natural abilities that Einstein had or Bolt has, virtually nothing can be done for others to do what Einstein did or Bolt can do. Jesus lived a very supernatural life, doing extraordinary works! He, too, had special abilities, but His were spiritual in nature rather than natural. Different from the Einstein and Bolt illustrations, Jesus said, “...he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also...” (John 14:12). How is it possible that you and I will never do what Einstein did or what Bolt does because we lack the natural abilities to do so, but Jesus is telling us we can do what He did? The answer is so simple! It is the reason why we needed a new covenant. The old covenant was based on man’s natural ability. The new covenant is based on God’s spiritual ability freely given to all who believe. We could not have discovered the theory of relativity, or cannot run as fast as Usain Bolt, but we can do the work Jesus did. Now that is truly remarkable. We must embrace this “...truth...” and begin to learn the way of the Lord! We have works to do...
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:06:04 +0000

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