Ali ibn abi talib was the problem/part-2 (the murder of third - TopicsExpress


Ali ibn abi talib was the problem/part-2 (the murder of third caliph uthman.) Most people do not know that caliph othman was accused of favouratism. It was a true accusation. He had assigned his family members on all the important positions. A faction of the army rebelled against him. The army factions from Egypt, kufa, and basra came down from egypt to medina to demand that othman stop these favoutism. The were called kharji. they first camped outside medina. They threatened to kill him if their demands were not. Uthman agreed to their demands. They were then instructed to return to their posts. When rebels were on their back to egypt they captured a courier who was rushing past them with a letter from Othman to the governor of Egypt that asked the governor to arrest those rebels. Reading this letter rebels got mad and returned to medina to kill Othman. Future caliph ali assigned his two sons, Hassan and hussain outside the house of Othman for his protection. But rebels managed to get into the house climbing the back wall of the house, and kill Uthman and injure his wife, Naila. Now here is the problem: 1-the leader of the rebels, al-zubayr, was the adopted son of Ali ibn abi talib. 2-no rebel was arrested, charged or punished for murdering caliph uthman. 3-After murdering Othman, the rebles came to the house of Ali and declared him the new caliph, and ali gladly accepted position. This incident made ayesha so mad that she immediately travelled to mecca to raise an army to fight Ali. But she was defeated. The battle is called “ battle of camel”. 1000s of men were killed in that battle. The second battle for the postion of caliph took place between ali and mawiya. Again 1000s were killed. The killing has not stopped . it is still going on. muslims are killing one another for something that happened 1400 years ago. Muhammad taught his followers to use violence as the only means to settle dispute. He never taught them to use election or referendum. Stop this nonsense now, please. Religion has neither truth nor divinity. It is all mad up by men to exploit masses. Every nonsense that you believe in was created by nonsensical teachings of childhood. Get a life. Zulfiqar tareen, a friend of all, enemy of none.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:16:26 +0000

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