Alice Munro (a Canadian) won the Noble Peace Prize this year in - TopicsExpress


Alice Munro (a Canadian) won the Noble Peace Prize this year in literature. Congratulations to her! This makes 20 years since an American has won the Noble Peace Prize in literature. Some say (and I agree) that Its partly because of the “memoir”! It’s what American literature has descended to. Just me, me, me. We’re supposed to be the most fortunate people on the planet yet weve produced this literature of complaint... MY path to happiness or MY discovery of tai chi or MY dysfunctional family or MY learning to breathe through my fourth eye or MY living in Tuscany. Why dont we address concepts like fate and the like vs. self-determination? Aint nobody gonna get a Nobel Peace Prize for telling us about their sad, third divorce and sucking down some life-changing curry in a smelly café. I’m glad I’m not the only one questioning this fairly new phenomenon. Nope, not just me at all: NO NOBEL in 20 years. You do the calculus. I think I just wrote another memoir. YIKES! No one said the goal of putting pen to paper was to win anything, but come on . . . You know exactly what I mean.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 01:16:09 +0000

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