All Revolutions against the Old World Order - the ruling - TopicsExpress


All Revolutions against the Old World Order - the ruling establishment of the rich, privileged elite - have begun in secret with clandestine groups and societies. The Founding Fathers of America were all secret society Revolutionaries. The French Revolution was led by secret societies. The Russian Revolution was likewise led by secret societies. So, what do we find in the modern day? - legions of morons who are against secret societies, hence are fellow travelers of the rich elite. Many of these same retards openly support anarcho-capitalist libertarianism, the evil doctrine of Ayn Rand who, in Atlas Shrugged, advocated the abolition of government and its replacement by the outright rule of the super rich led by the dictator John Galt. Rand infamously claimed that selfishness is virtuous - which tells you everything you need to know about her evil, greed is good supporters. The ludicrous and insane notion that 9/11 was perpetrated by the American government rather than maniacal Muslim terrorists is a manifestation of the pathological hatred, which Ayn Rand did so much to stoke, of the actual principle of government. She portrayed government itself as a conspiracy against liberty, and unfettered markets as the quintessence of freedom. The 9/11 conspiracy theory was intended to generate such hatred of the government that it would lead to its overthrow, paving the way for John Galts to come forward and rule via wholly unregulated free-market capitalism, of which they would be the undisputed masters and controllers. All supporters of the Truth Movement are those who would rather believe that the American government - full of very rich capitalists devoted to making enormous profits from the consumerist sheeple - would prefer to murder them rather than make obscene amounts of money from them, and that Islamic psychopaths who detest everything the infidel, depraved Americans stand for are in fact Americas best friends who would never do any harm to America under any circumstances. Dream on, clowns. Try reading Understanding Muhammad and Muslims by Ali Sina and wake up to what 9/11 was actually all about. Enter the real world, why dont you? To all Americans, your government is an evil capitalist monster. Oppose it for that reason, not for the lie that it kills its own idiotic capitalist masses. Why would anyone destroy the retarded hand that feeds it? The rich capitalist rulers of America would love nothing more than for America to become a Randian land where the rich can do whatever they like with absolute impunity ... and theyre already very close to that outcome. The anarcho-capitalist libertarians are the best friends the super rich ever had. The Truth Movement is actually the We love the super rich elite Movement. Its not government thats the inherent enemy but the super rich, especially when they use their money and power to hijack governments and use them for their own private good - for privilege, nepotism and cronyism. All authentic secret societies are opposed to the rich powers-that-be and for enlightened, rational, meritocratic government of the type described by Plato in The Republic, wherein a nations leaders are specifically forbidden from owning private property and having any private wealth. The secret societies of the elite, on the other hand, are faux secret societies. Where authentic secret societies are revolutionary, faux secret societies are conservative, pro-establishment and counter-revolutionary, and are all about money, corruption, privilege, nepotism and cronyism. If youre such a fool that you cant conceive of secret societies with radically different agendas, it shows at what level of mental sophistication you operate - the most primitive one of all. No wonder you believe that the Illuminati are comic-book, shape-shifting, pan-dimensional lizard creatures from another world. You probably believe in Santa Claus and Jesus Christ too! What will the last, great conflict that defines the human race be about? It will concern whether the libertarian followers of the super rich - and their plan to seize world power via capitalist globalization - prevail, or rationalist meritocrats devoted to the betterment of the whole human race by giving everyone a genuine equal opportunity to have a wonderful life. In todays world, only the rich have good lives, and all the rest live in fear, misery and degradation. Whose side are you on? Its time to choose.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 16:25:14 +0000

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