All collection of my previous posts: Some English synonyms of - TopicsExpress


All collection of my previous posts: Some English synonyms of Bangla word: সন্দেহজনক Fishy suspicious suspect disputable dubious questionable equivocal fishy apocryphal ambiguous বর্জন exclusion boycott elimination disallowance denial disaccord exception dismissal dismission abandonment reservation প্রচুর lot plenty large much good abundant enormous rich ample copious prodigal unsparing plenteous full exceeding limitless notable liberal redundant lordly bountiful bounteous overflowing adequate spacious profuse opulent intense inexhaustible handsome grand exuberant boundless large-handed মিথ্যাবাদী liar bluffer bouncer fabler fabulist storyteller quack bullshitter lying untruthful mendacious false ভদ্র polite gentle respectful mannerly civil obliging debonair suave affable gentlemanly complaisant bland parliamentary genteel proper well-behaved weal welfare ভণ্ড pretender impostor hypocrite simulant charlatan mountebank Pecksniff dissembler feigning pretentious dissembling professed বাধা দেওয়া rein impede obstruct check clog stop inhibit block hinder backpedal breast blight encounter tell against oppose restrain countermand prohibit combat counteract resist repulse disturb exclude guard delay defer deter stem rein back bar barrier balk baulk barricade debar avert traverse bridle fetter shackle retard log prevent সামান্য little small light general petty bare remote exiguous ordinary mediocre slim thin poor slender সাম্প্রতিক recent current latter modern instant passing living new latter-day প্রস্তুতি preparation readiness preparative arrangements concoction formulation amplification set-out প্রসিদ্ধ Famous illustrious glorious leading memorable celebrated generally known laureate conspicuous pre-eminent প্রসার extent extension spread measure augmentation scope magnitude rate range breadth advancement rampancy latitude amplitude amplification পরিশোধ করা pay repay pay back recompense retaliate reimburse requite return liquidate acquit quit reciprocate নিরর্থক vain nonsense useless unnecessary meaningless inept unreasonable idle unwarranted purposeless futile in vain without purpose নিরপেক্ষ neutral impartial neuter indifferent unprejudiced irrespective impersonal equal positive categorical even-handed দায়িত্ব duty responsibility liability obligation charge onus burden trust amenability business ought undertaking accountability incumbency encumbrance biz grievance দায় liability inheritance danger difficulty encumbrance indebtedness burden amenability accountability দাম্ভিক conceited boastful overweening arrogant pretentious perk perky lofty important impregnable domineering magniloquent egoist blower gabber boaster blusterer braggadocio তামাশা joke josh prank rig show performance exhibition fun lark chaff quip guy জাল fake net mesh trap plexus gin web snare deadfall pitfall toils charm enchantment illusion allurement weft ring net hook trepan counterfeit forged false phoney bogus faked mock phony snide bad supposititious brummagem disguised dissembling জায়গা place space land room site receptacle stand field accommodation haunt container circumstance situation position post চুক্তি agreement treaty contract pact bargain covenant bond condition obligation compact transaction tie-up চিহ্ন symbol sign character track stamp evidence attribute indication token ensign ideograph ideogram fleck print blazon recognizance show gender portent pledge note indicatory indicative চিরস্থায়ী eternal perpetual everlasting imperishable perdurable immortal deathless indissoluble unending unfailing কুমারী maiden virgin maid mademoiselle princess spinster feme sole daughter bint damsel adolescent কথা word story saying tale promise topic accents utterance tongue dialect affair news আকর্ষণ attraction glamor allure draw love traction pull drawing gravitation affection allurement fascination charm enchantment অভিশাপ curse damn ban imprecation malison anathema cuss darn damnation malediction denouncement denunciation devil deuce dickens woe satan অভিজাত aristocratic noble high patrician highborn nobiliary blue অভাব lack deficiency need absence scarcity failing dearth defect default penury deficit indigence poverty defects penurity paucity handicap inadequacy demerit imperfection privation straits bareness poorness অহংকার arrogance pride vanity egoism haughtiness vainglory peacockery self-conceit amour-propre অনিচ্ছুক unwilling reluctant shy loath loth disinterested indifferent backward disagreeing জন্ম birth natality nativity life growth incipience incipiency bearing ancestry parentage genesis generation origination appearance শুল্ক Customs tariff duty tax impost pike cess gild levy scot দালাল broker agent intermediary representative middleman tout jobber legman runner barker go-between ছদ্মবেশ disguise veil masquerade mask veiling cover cloak makeup camouflage falsehood বন্ধন binding nexus tie embrace fastening stricture fixture leash obstruction confinement peonage unification cement thrall ভঙ্গ breach breaking fracture contravention violation dissolution infringement estrangement impairment loss dispersal termination suspension removal interruption obstruction discouragement উত্তেজিত করা incite prompt whet disturb ferment discompose excite disconcert agitate provoke instigate prick pique egg intoxicate shake irritate seethe needle exasperate buck up impassion electrify electrize trouble bestir promote spark off concuss kindle enkindle inflame ignite fire up warm নিশ্চিত করা ensure confirm secure ascertain assure insure look promise avouch তালিকা list table chart catalog roll schedule file enrollment poll muster scheme calendar নির্ভর করা confide bank on rely on reckon on count on confide in base rest lean lie repose hinge hang উদাহরণ example instance case paradigm figure piece exemplar precedent illustration mirror exponent lead premise premiss schema কর্মশক্তি power energy vigor caliber force spirit vim drive pith nerve steam faculty calibre আহ্বান করা ring call invite bid cite evoke ring up address appeal প্রার্থনা করা beg crave pray request petition ask seek call obtest cry entreat appeal বিতর্ক controversy debate discussion dispute polemic argument deliberation disputation odd dissertation দুর্দশা grief teen adversity straits misery woe exigence exigency grievance প্রতিকূল adverse hostile unfavorable contrary repugnant opponent untoward inimical ill foul ambivalent sullen unfavourable ill-disposed বিবিধ miscellaneous various diverse diversified manifold mixed motley farraginous দক্ষ efficient expert skilled experienced proficient learned masterful skillful deft clever able adroit knowing skillful shifty quaint capable feat neat cunning conversant artful dextrous dexterous knack practiced expertness dexterity cleverness dab জমা accumulate save settle congeal deposit credit savings income revenue collect gather freeze উত্ত্যক্ত করা tease vex disgust molest needle rile get bait peeve persecute annoy acerbate infest nettle aggravate nark উপর over above top surface roof upper extra upward মান value standard grade honor huff measure respect norm par alloy class rule arum pique tiff pride fame উপযুক্ত suitable proper compatible fit eligible good competent equal decent convenient worthy apt opportune deserving deserved fitting just pertinent consistent legitimate pat like decorous pointful seemly congenial calculated expedite expedient capable of congruous নির্ধারণ করা Set define ascertain destine prescribe identify judge award সংযুক্ত attached connected associated linked combined composite joint conjoint adjoining amalgamated concomitant concerted continuous প্রবেশ entry access entrance penetration ingress entree incoming ingoing সূত্র formula law context rule motto aphorism thread string filament strand connection tie connexion cue prologue introduction কলঙ্কিত করা besmirch maculate tarnish spot stain blot bedraggle pollute imbrue blacken black denigrate blemish badmouth discredit scandalize shame discolour সম্মতি consent compliance agreement permission offer assent okay sanction affirmation subscription concurrence allowances averment arrangement willingness approbation ready নিকৃষ্ট inferior base coarse jejune common contemptible shabby underhand বিশৃঙ্খল disorganized chaotic unsystematic slipshod confused disorderly orderless planless indistinct muddy haywire disconcerted deranged awkward promiscuous amiss anomalous hugger-mugger topsy-turvy helter-skelter pell-mell higgledy-piggledy উদ্দেশ্য motive purpose objective aim goal intention object intent mind cause destination reason design idea quest target pleasure ambition drift sake view scope biz consideration business purport meaning hang subject কার্যকর effective useful efficient practical possible operative feasible sufficient workable telling potential adjuvant sovereign ক্রোধ offense exasperation rage fume temper passion conniption blood wrath ire anger dander offence নিশ্চল static stationary immovable quiescent stagnant at rest immobile motionless fixed still আক্রমণ attack invasion raid aggression charge offensive onslaught onfall descent encroachment foray inroad rush push access excursion touch সহ্য করা bear hold endure undergo pass tolerate hold out pass through support experience suffer brook hold up stick make allowance for allow of underlie let go through stand stay bide resist taste sustain abide অনুমান guess hypothesis conjecture supposition inference presumption if estimation surmise conclusion deduction corollary ডাইনি witch hag harridan hellcat hex harpy Hecate প্রচার করা proclaim disseminate put about promulgate publish issue notify put out circulate advertise notice cry boost celebrate প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী rival opponent antagonist competitor opposite adversary competing emulous hostile contending ফুলবাবু dude coxcomb popinjay cockscomb teddy boy young blood beau jack-a-dandy ভঙ্গুর fragile brittle frail frangible breakable friable fugitive weak weakly tender জাহির করা assert display show pose exert show off parade pretend advertise air আবিষ্কার করা discover find find out uncover detect get spy unearth mint disentomb dig up প্রত্যাশা করা expect look hope look forward think deliberate look about anticipate আইনজীবী attorney solicitor advocate jurist pleader barrister অবশিষ্ট remaining residual other remainder surplus residue উদ্বেগ concern worry anxiety care panic concernment attention disquiet fash perturbation suspense টেকসই durable viable lasting endurable perdurable permanent stable fixed enduring serviceable প্রবণতা tendency trend aptitude propensity leaning bias offer penchant addiction turn notion drift cast গতানুগতিক traditional conventional ordinary prosaic prosy banal humdrum customary usual trite trivial prosaical hackneyed corny bare indifferent সিদ্ধান্ত conclusion result theory inference illation find deduction eduction generalization determinative judgement নৈপুণ্য craft knack skill dexterity art artfulness legerity cleverness efficiency adroitness পক্ষপাত bias favor preference prejudice favoritism partiality inequity prepossession warp favouritism একত্র করা combine assemble gather collect consolidate put together get together mix concentrate concentre amalgamate close connect embody compound add aggregate
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 10:44:40 +0000

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