All diabetes is curable 25 December - TopicsExpress


All diabetes is curable 25 December 2014 Medical science has actually demonstrated the cure to diabetes in 2002. When the Moffitt cancer centre applied High Intensity UltraSound to prostate cancer and got a one appointment cure. It transpires that all 200 cancers out there are caused by a viral rump left behind by a viral infection. It divides in the same viral sort of way! Which requires the cancer cells to be pressurised-like the mother virus. Diabetes is caused by a viral rump. This time located in the pancreas, and still overinflated-but dividing more slowly. Still in the same single cell way. Type 1 caused by a viral rump, making the antisense enzyme to insulin. This is classic viral sort of behaviour. Viruses 10 to make the antisense to body enzymes. In Alzheimer’s it makes the antisense to a neuro transmitter. I have personally demonstrated the 1 many cure to Alzheimer’s, MS, schizophrenia and depression. We are applying a HIUS to each side or the head. The cheapest source of high intensity ultrasound is a 5 W 1 MHz ultrasound massage device bought over the Internet. I150 Watts 40 kHz also works. As does the 8 W 3 MHz device favoured by physiotherapists. Who have published medical papers about the clearing and scarring and damaged tissues using higher power ultrasound for 30 years. So the efficacy of high intensity ultrasound is medically demonstrated. It does not interfere with any biochemical treatment being inflicted on the patient. It is clears all the diseases of age. Including mental health problems. And also diabetes. Applying the ultrasound for ½ minute to the bottom right of the chest. My family set by accident! Whereas more concerned about clearing cancer. I met a friend in my church health group. Who had diabetes. ‘This will not hurt you, and it should make you diabetes better’ I told him. The first week I have found out that turn sections was not enough. The over three days total remission from his type two diabetes. The next week I gave him a 30 sections. And he is diabetes related totally. I gave him another section three months later. Though he no locks road and healthy. And has lost fact! They’ve put on muscle. He maintains the stars diabetes! Any medic applying diabetes medicine to an individual who no longer has diabetes has contravenes the Hippocratic oath. And he is no longer allowed to practice medicine. Medicine was frantic after losing cancer and heart disease: both of which can be cleared using a minute of HIUS externally to the cancerous organ-or the top left the chest and the kidneys in coronary heart disease. Losing diabetes was unthinkable! But I have cured 30 patients. A 100% cure rate! Even those diabetics you do not concede there there cured, are ready and healthy. And lost fat. The Hippocratic oath prohibits medicating the well! All my patients appear fit and healthy. Nor nursery for more HIUS! No need. One application does the trick. Type one remits in three days. As the liver clears the antisense enzyme from the bloodstream. Type two clears within 10 minutes! This one puzzle me for a week. But like type one patient at my church health group, was cleared of the diabetes by the next week. All type two diabetics can be cured by the diabetes in only 10 minutes. With no extra medication required. The medics have so cease their medication on the next GP or hospital visit. Low power ultrasound will show the removal of the hardened white cells in the pancreas characteristic of diabetes. A similar structure also causes pancreatic cancer. Which like prostate cancer can be cleared with a single application of HIUS. No medicine is looking at Alzheimers. They be killer since the 1950s. That biochemistry has never manage to cure. High as clears it in one session! If we give a diabetic a drip or interleukin two and four, the own body makes and actions the active antibody to viral rump causing diabetes. We will get different antibodies for each type of diabetes. One course of these pills will totally clear diabetes from the patient. So continuous biochemical treatments are now defective medicine prohibited by the Hippocratic oath. No register Dr. Is allowed to teach, purscribe or research any defective medicine. High us is fantastically inexpensive to administer. So there is no facility a requirement to do any biochemical work on diabetes. ½ minute of HIUS to each side or the head will clear all mental health problems-which are all caused by a viral rump left behind by infective disease. All medically demonstrated by the Moffitt cancer centre 2002 in our hundred patient double blind trial. The most rigorous biochemical trial in existence! All totally superfluous for ultrasound. Which is outside biochemical patents. And use means of action is published! The inflated viral rump expenses cell content boiling, at power levels benign to body cells. Jonathan Thomason JonThm9@aol
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 20:14:11 +0000

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