All in the mind...... Body Balancing, Exercise Tolerance, & - TopicsExpress


All in the mind...... Body Balancing, Exercise Tolerance, & Eating for Fat Loss 7.5% Bodyfat — imagine thats your goal. Now, focus — take a serious look at where you are, and determine how much you have to lose. Lets say youre 23% bodyfat today, and youre ready to up your game, heres what youd do: 23% – 7.5% = 15.5% bodyfat to lose Ill give you 30 days, but you have to promise to maintain for at least 16 weeks, without breaking habit — your results will be rapid — sustaining it is a whole different animal. This is only safe if you sustain your weight loss — otherwise, the health detriments of alternating weight gain and loss can outweigh the consequences of being overweight or obese. Again, youre not in any danger so long as you make sure not to just hit the off switch as soon as you hit your target. Thats when you just back down and start working out 2 days/week while keeping your nutrition on point. Before we get started, if youre a guy, shave your chest — its important. You have to see your progress every single day, twice — once in the morning and once at night — stand sideways and head on with the mirror, let your breath out and really evaluate your resting position. Does anything need work? Be sure to emphasize proper position tomorrow when you work out — the posture you lift in is the posture you stay in. Body Balancing for increased results in 30 days – Inside-Out Theory First, your insides – your gut and brain: Get your micronutrients and essential nutrient classes first, along with digestive enzymes for your gut. Its time to cleanse. For the next 7 days, on top of any nutritional recommendations you see below (even when it conflicts), eat 1000% your daily fiber intake. I prefer to do this with baby carrots and carry them around all day. As for your brain, time to wash that out too. Youve confused yourself and created tension over time. Take the entire next week to focus on calming yourself any time you feel any tension. I recommend you do this through Diaphragmatic Breathing, or belly breathing. Diaphragmatic Breathing Exercise – Do this 15x any time you feel stress: Take your dominant hand and place it underneath your breastbone, while laying in a slightly reclined position. Take a large and slow sniff breath, as you keep your shoulders relaxed and down. Feel your abdomen fill with air over 2 seconds as your belly lifts up. Hold 1 second. Purse your lips, as if youre breathing through a thin coffee straw, and exhale slowly for 4 seconds. Also, be sure to start getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night, until you start waking up automatically, towards the end of your 30 days — your energy level will skyrocket. Now, for your outside — your body: Progress Your Exercise Tolerance – Enter Time to get RIPPED! There is a lot that goes into the program design of a quality rapid fat loss program, but the basis of program design behind many of my programs, in their most summarized form, is as follows: Exercise Sequencing – do your giant sets with these 5 exercises, in this sequence: Squat Push Lunge Pull Plank Energy System Training – various systems that help you move: ATP-PC (0-2 seconds – the first 2 seconds of explosive energy) Anaerobic (2-60 seconds) Aerobic (60 seconds and beyond) Workout Alternation – 4 Days/Week (Days 1, 4 - A; Days 2-5 - B; Days 3, 6, 7 - Rest) Progressively More Difficult Versions of Every Exercise, on Every Workout Now, lets see what it takes to get ripped -- make sure your body is ready for this -- if you havent been working out consistently and intensely for at least 90 days, youre not ready. Day of Week: Workout #1: (7 - 7:45am) Workout #2: (4:30-5pm) Monday Workout A 10 second Sprint, 50 seconds Burpees x 10 Tuesday Workout B Wednesday Strength – Workout A & B giant sets, no interval training, 6 reps for exercises 1 and 3, 15 reps for exercises 2 and 4 – planks stay the same. Rest periods 3-4 minutes. 10 second Sprint, 50 seconds Burpees x 10 Thursday Workout A Friday Workout B 10 second Sprint, 50 seconds Burpees x 10 On weekends, stay active, but dont worry about working out. Eating for Accelerated Fat Loss During The Next 30 Days - The 717 Rule This simple rule for fat loss deliberately shrinks your mid-section as quick as possible, or at least in my experience. Heres what you do: Days 1-6 – up to 7 grams of sugar, 17 grams of carbs Day 7 – Cheat Day – no trans fats, avoid gluten if sensitive or anything that will inflame your gut So, its a 7 day plan, and you get to eat 7 grams of sugar, and 17 grams of carbs per day for most of the week. Each week resets itself with the Cheat Day, to keep your hormones more balanced. Its important you eat foods high in fat and carbs on these days, provided you wont have any allergic or dietary reaction to doing so. Summary of Recommendations: Balance your gut and brain. Do this program. Follow 717 Rule for the next 30 days. Dont overcomplicate this – just get started.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 17:31:23 +0000

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