All of Australia and the parents of children in schools where - TopicsExpress


All of Australia and the parents of children in schools where muslim children atten their schools this is very scary and it IS happining in our schools NOW......A lethal “game” of cat and mouse is taking place throughout America between Islamists and American patriots, but guess who is winning? Hint: it ain’t the good guys! STEP by step, inch by inch, a combination of stealth and frontal jihad has plagued America (and the west) for close to 3 decades. Ominously, the leadership of the free world is in the forefront of setting its quickened pace. Indeed. The fact of the matter is that the Brotherhood has been burrowing in “plain sight” within the entire American landscape, but no longer. It was given the signal to openly flex their muscles. Yes, their catapult took a quantum leap forward under the purview of Barack HUSSEIN Obama. This too is a fact, and forming an Islamist political party within America attests to said charge! As anticipated, the MB are its top leaders and backers. NOW most of this info isn’t news to this site’s dedicated readership, nor to those who watch on in horror as America, slowly and creepily, becomes Islamized. This is the case whether patriots recognize all the hidden, incremental signs or just a few. However, the above is also precisely why there can never be a let up, as the Brotherhood Mafia within America has zero intention of ceasing and desisting. Not only that, site’s such as this (and a few others, those who are dedicated to exposing Islam’s march on the west) make their adherents exceedingly nervous,causing them to issue this and that death threat. Jihadi commented on About 11/09/2014: Nonsense!!! You are in our hitlist.. Run as far as you can because we are coming for you soon… Approve Trash | Mark as Spam More information about Jihadi IP:, E-mail: justjihad@live URL: Whois: ARE they afraid their plans are being revealed?? INCONTROVERTIBLY, the Brotherhood Mafia’s Phased Plan was designed to fly under the radar, but only up until certain phases were completed. In other words, coming out of the shadows had to be done under very clear guidelines. And theMB hierarchy does not operate as lone wolves; they are an interconnected, hydra-like set of front groups which adhere to certain rules, like the real Mafia! Deviation rarely takes place, or punishment is swift. THAT being said, now that the 3rd Phase is a done deal, it is time to fully co-opt the kiddies; Islam’s biggest catch of all. Pay heed to the following warning, for it is coming from one who has literally crossed swords with them countless times, both within America and the Middle East. The vast majority of mosques in America teach hate and violence. There are several references in the Quran that inform Muslims to never take Christians and Jews as protectors and friends. The Sunni manual Tafsir Ibn Kathir is an excellent reference to what children are being taught in Islamic schools. When I was in Iraq I had the opportunity to interview several captured Al Qaeda members. I asked them what type of future attacks America would endure. The answer over and over was that the hearts of Americans would be attacked. They explained that this meant the American children would be attacked because they are the hearts of the American people. These terrorists said the attacks would not necessarily be physical attacks, but rather a slow indoctrination in U.S. public schools and universities. The indoctrinating would include the Islamic ideology is peaceful and even as non-Muslims they support Islam and the Muslim people. I have had several Islamic leaders tell me that Muslims who practice ‘Pure Islam’ have what is called ‘Black Hearts’. These Muslims had no conscience, feelings, emotions, love or caring about anything or anyone aside from Allah. Essentially they have no souls. They have an empty heart. These people have no feelings for even their own children; needless to say they have no feelings for children who are not theirs. It is just as easy for them to behead a neighbor child as it would be to behead even their own children. Children are simply a tool for them to use to achieve their ultimate goal of an Islamic Ummah (nation) under Shariah law…. AS is said, no sh-t Sherlock! YET, as to their hold on the kiddies, where exactly are they in their co-option and march? Much closer than you think. Below is a Texas-style hijacking of the Lone Star state’s public school kiddies! Burqas32 EVEN worse, when the Shahada is already a done deal, what else is there to say? In Revere, Massachusetts the public school district there is not only requiring students to learn about Islam but is teaching these children the Shahada or the Islamic conversion prayer. As you can see in the news reports below, one dad is rightly upset but there are also some liberals who have no problem with it (after all, it is Boston). What many of these parents do not understand is that in Islam, the simple recitation of this prayer means a conversion to Islam. Some of the parents may scoff at such a notion but make no mistake; there are Muslims who certainly do not. In the same way that the Ground Zero mosque was intended to be about conquest, so too is forcing non-Muslim children to recite the Shahada. The local news reports do not pick up on this very significant element of the story…. AND does anyone believe that it is just leftward-leaning Massachusetts which is in the death grip of Shariah law dictates? Nope. Take a look at Tennessee! Tennessee: 5 pillars of Islam replace 10 Commandments in public school, tolerance reigns supreme Springfield High School didn’t miss an opportunity to display and essentially express their desire to show their tolerance for an ever growing diverse community at a recent open house for parents and returning public school children. On display on the freshmen hall wall of the Robertson County TN school, the 5 Pillars of Islam were pasted “up and down” the hallway proclaiming the “rules” to be a good student of Islam, much in the way the 10 Commandments direct Christians. Photo of one of many posters observed in hallway of Springfield High School in Robertson County, TN….. OH dear, do you think they are done yet? In a pig’s eye. The Montgomery County (Maryland) School Board stripped all religious references from it’s 2015-16 school calendar, after Muslims complained that it included Yom Kippur but not Eid al-Adha, which happen to fall on the same day in 2015 — Sept. 23. Schools throughout the district will nonetheless continue to be closed for significant Christian and Jewish holidays, according to The Washington Times. When the issue was raised, Montgomery County Schools Superintendent Joshua Starr moved to delete references to Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashana from the calendar. Board member Rebecca Smondrowski suggested removing all religious references. “It is about equity,” Ms. Smondrowski told MyMCMedia, according to The Times. “I made the motion because if we are closing for operational reasons, then there should be no need to make reference to religion. That is the most equitable solution that I could see while recognizing that we need to be seriously addressing the criteria for how these things are decided in the future.” Equity? Not according to figures provided by City-Data, which show that the Muslim population in Montgomery County is about a fifth the size of the Jewish population and a blip on the radar when compared with percentage of residents who practice Catholicism or another Christian denomination. TableSchool employee Samira Hussein, who also has children at the district, has been urging it to add Muslim holid Read more at joeforamerica/2014/11/jihadi-incitement-silences-america-public-schools-bowed-first-casualty-many-nails-left/
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 01:12:57 +0000

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