All of the anti-Obama crowd has. been wrong. They dont - TopicsExpress


All of the anti-Obama crowd has. been wrong. They dont acknowledge any facts, just their own lies, misrepresentations, stupid statements and incorrect predictions. When they find themselves confronted with the truth, they slam the facts and switch the topic to the newest conspiracy claim. They are only happy if they are somehow proving America to be doomed. Since George Bush spent us into a $1.5 trillion dollar annual deficit and left Obama with that giant sink hole, the Obama Admin. has cut that deficit by over $1.1 trillion, and no, the primary cause of the cut was not the severe fiscal cliff cuts. Cuts to all agencies, the federal workforce and in the wars combined with the ending of the Bush tax cuts for the richest 10% reversed the Bush created problems. Obama inherited the worst job market since 1932 and his admin. has overseen that reversal too, cutting unemployment in half. Health care costs, as a percentage of GDP, have come down 3 years in a row, for the first time since the 1950s. These figures are simple math and economic turnarounds of enormous magnitude. So lets make it clear and in numbers you can verify. GW Bush with a GOP congress, accepted a surplus, not a deficit, of over $400,000 billion from the democratic Clinton admin. in Jan. of 2001. The national debt was $4.5 trillion and COMING DOWN on that date. In just 8 years, the Bush Admin. and GOP tripled the debt to $12 trillion, spent all the surplus then created a $1.5 trillion dollar annual deficit which has been adding to the national debt ever since he left office. The only reason the national debt is not $25 trillion, today, is that the Obama Admin. slashed that debt more than 70%. The Bush admin. increased the national debt by 200% while the Obama Admin. has added to it by just 50%. Now you can rationalize all you want, but the facts and the numbers do not change. The causes do not change either. The Bush Admin. started 3, not 2, wars. They named them: the War in Afghanistan, the War in Iraq, and the international War on terror. Then the Bush Admin. created the Medicare drug plan at a cost of $1 trillion. They never asked Congress to pay for any of it. Their was no demand of pay/go, the GOP plan to stop all spending by the Obama admin. by demanding that all new spending be paid for by equal cuts somewhere else. That was never a part of their plan when Bush was president and they controlled Congress. Their were no government shutdowns and no protests by budget hawks. They knowingly and deliberately spent the money without seeking revenues or cuts and passed the bill to future generations and future administrations and then cried that future generations were not fiscally responsible. These guys are hypocrites and their supporters are deluding themselves but cannot run nor hide from mathematical science. Starting with Reagan, there have been 2 Rep. presidents that served 2 terms and 1 that served 1 term and their have been 2 Dem. presidents that have served 2 terms. The Reagan admin. increased the debt by 200% from $1 trillion to $3 trillion. The GHW Bush admin. increased the debt by 63% and the GW Bush admin. increased the debt by 200%. The Clinton admin. increased the debt by just 17% and the Obama admin. has increased the debt by 50%. Another factual look at the GW Bush admin. and the Obama admin., fiscally, would show that GW Bush inherited the healthiest budget in history and an economy that was strong, but which would head into a minor downturn(as compared to other recession periods in the previous 50 years). No president ever inherited a budget surplus of such wonderful proportions. The Obama admin., on the other hand, was handed the worst economic crisis since the great depression. So yes, without doubt, Republican administrations have been overwhelmingly horrible with the economy and with our taxpayer dollars. They have not been financially responsible when compared to the Democratic admins. They have collapsed our economy and they have placed our future generations in massive debt. If you research those numbers and still claim that you think Republicans are good with your money and with our economy, then you are not only delusional, but most probably mathematically inept.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 18:19:13 +0000

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