All over the mainstream media (and perpetually annoying blogs) I - TopicsExpress


All over the mainstream media (and perpetually annoying blogs) I keep running across the same two words to describe Cardinal Burkes apparent new appointment. It is a demotion and it is exile. Those two words keep popping up in the title of every story, as though the MSM (and the perpetually annoying blogs) all got together in advance to agree on the spin. Now, men, women, I want you to use demotion; I want you to use exile; use them over and over again---the more you repeat a lie, the more people will agree with it, especially those Radical Traditionalists---you know, the ones we especially want to drive wild, because its fun to see how much they lap up our nonsense. I have also noticed, as well, the tendency to add some phrase descriptive of Cardinal Burke, as in headlines such as: Pope Francis sends anti-gay Cardinal Burke into exile or: Pope Francis gives anti-divorce Burke a demotion---as though to suggest that he is being demoted and sent into exile precisely because hes anti-gay and anti-divorce; as though Pope Francis were pro-sodomy and pro-divorce. When you see things like this, you know youve spotted a media con job. And its not just the liberals: Fox News and Breitbart have also joined in on this. Pope Francis Derangement Syndrome makes strange bedfellows.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:39:21 +0000

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