All praise is due ALLAH who made the angels messengers, with wings - TopicsExpress


All praise is due ALLAH who made the angels messengers, with wings 2,3 and 4 and He increases the creation as He wills Abdullah ibn Masoodh reported that ALLAHs Messenger had seen Angel Jibreel(Gabriel) in his natural form. in which he had 600 wings. each of which fill the horizon and they were like multicolored drops of pearls and corals falling from the wings. so the Angels in their natural state is huge. In another narration with regards to the angels that carry the throne of ALLAH. Off course the mighty throne of ALLAH is bigger than the universe and is the biggest creation of ALLAH. Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) said: allow me to speak one of the throne bearers the distance between his earlobe and shoulder is what a bird will fly in 700 years. ALLAH created Angels with no gender but unfortunately many of the ignorant people thinks Angels are females. Subhanallah. which was the belief of pagan Arabs and the people who had gone astray(Christians). Belief in ALLAHs Angels is one of the pillars of faith in Islam. We must believe that angels are powerful creation of ALLAH created from light and they are also part was unseen(Al Qaib) Angels they dont have desires like us, they only obey what ALLAH commands to them. Angels have intellect without desires, Animals have desires without intellect. Humans and Jinns both have intellect and desires so they are accountable on the day of Judgement. ALLAH has given Angels many abilities such as swiftness, taking on different forms. they are also able to read human mind. The Messenger of ALLAH said the angels say to ALLAH that man intends to do evil although ALLAH is more vigilant than them He replies watch him if he commits evil report it in kind but he abandons it record for him one good deed for surely he gave it up for my sake. Prophet (s.a.w) said everyone of you has been assigned a companion from the Jinn and a companion from the Angels. The jinn(Qareen) whispers or commands evil and the angels encourage us to good, put good suggestion in our minds ALLAH says verily there is assigned to you protectors or guardian angels who are noble and who record your deeds. These Guardian angels protects humans from jinns(shayaateen) and accidents but sometimes these angels may leave him by ALLAHs command and ALLAHs decree take place and calamity strikes him. Every activities which takes place in the world are under the influence of angels assigned by ALLAH. Prophet(s.a.w) said Allah the exalted has appointed an Angel as the caretaker of the womb that says my Lord it is like an oily drop, my Lord it is now like a leech, my Lord it has become like a clump of chewed flesh, then if ALLAH wishes to complete his creation the Angel will ask my Lord will it be male or female. in another narration it says when the fetus reaches the beginning of 5th month the Angel breaths the soul in to him at that time 4 things are recorded. his livelihood, his lifespan, his deeds whether he will be wretched or happy. “And worship your Lord until there comes to you the certainty(Death).” you will never find a single person who denies the fact of Death. One day we have to face this fearful reality.The Angel of death(malakul maut) will meet us sooner or later. When the Angel of death takes the soul of righteous slaves he comes with a beautiful appearance and sits by his head and says: O good soul, come out to forgiveness from Allah and His good pleasure. and he will take it like a drops of water dripping from a glass. But when he takes the soul of wicked, disbelieving slave he comes with a scary appearance and sits by his head and says: O foul soul, come out to Allah’s displeasure and anger. so the soul will try to hide within the body but it is ripped out by very forcefully. Once Allahs messenger Ibraheem(a.s) asked Angel of death, Oh Angel of death show me the appearance that you undertake at the time of taking the soul of a good person. So the angel of death takes the form of beautiful young man, dressed all in white, a beautiful fragrance emanating from his body. Ibraheem(a.s) said that if at the time of death, there was no joy no other blessings for a good soul then the appearance youve shown me would suffice! then Ibrahim (a.s) asked him to show the appearance that he undertake at the time of taking a soul of a bad person. The Angel of death said, O Ibraheem youll not be able to bare it. When Ibrahim(a.s) insisted, the Angel of death says to him. turn your face away. when Angel of death said look! Ibraheem(a.s) looked and he finds a pitch black giant standing in front of him with long hair, all dressed in black, his feet were on the earth and his head was in the sky and an unbearable stench was emanating from his body and fire was blazing out of his ears and nostrils. When Ibraheem (a.s) seen this scene he fainted! after he became conscious he said to the Angel of death that if at the time of death there is no other punishment for a sinner then seeing you in this state alone would be sufficient for him.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 02:56:13 +0000

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