All the 4th planetary significations have the potential of not - TopicsExpress


All the 4th planetary significations have the potential of not fructifying. Why? For example, 4th to Moon represents fulfillment. But the Moon is 10th to that signification point. If Moon is very strong, the person becomes one who is not easily satisfied, then the fulfillment becomes a problem. 4th to Jupiter represents happiness. But if Jupiter becomes very strong, the person is forever seeking newer pastures, and he never quite reaches his destination. Happiness thus eludes him 4th to Saturn rules the masses. If Saturn is very strong, the person is partial to the masses, but his selfishness prevents him from putting forth the extra effort to serve the masses. 4th to Venus rules transport or flexibility. If Venus is very strong, the person tends to stick to his ground and flexibility is lost. Also the person has not much use for vehicles because he tends to like to stay put in one place, including staying at home - people visit him, not he visiting others. 4th to Mars rules buildings. If Mars is very strong, the person tends to spend as he earns and he is unable to save to purchase his own home. 4th to Mercury rules friends or education. If Mercury is very strong, he never really makes a true friends that stays through thick and thin. He flutters like a butterfuly here and there. Also his concentration in education suffers for want of perseverance of effort. The 7th planetary signification on the other hand has a matter of give and take characteristic. But if the planet is strong, the person goes all out to satisfy himself that planetary signification. 7th to Mercury rule business. Most of us at one time or another do entertain the thought of doing business. If Mercury turns very strong, as for some people, they have strong business desires and acumen, and they jump into the bandwagon of doing business without further ado. 7th to Jupiter rules social standing. Our social standing ebbs and rises, depending the social credits or debits we built up for ourselves at any one time. If Jupiter turns very strong, as for some people, they are very conscious of their social standing, and would not do anything to undermine it. 7th to Venus rules the mate. Relations with the mate is always a matter of give and take. If Venus turns very strong, this individual would tend to dominate the mate, and give and take is never an agenda in the relationship. They operate from a position of command. 7th to Sun rules benevolence. If Sun turns very strong, as for some people, the ego gets inflated and pride takes over. 7th to Moon rules the ability to germinate ideas (the embryo). If Moon turns very strong, the person jumps into his ideas without further ado. He does not abide the time for the ideas to turn into concrete plans within his mind.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 09:33:50 +0000

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