All the BRICS COUNTRIES Stalled as Benankie said about the Tapper, - TopicsExpress


All the BRICS COUNTRIES Stalled as Benankie said about the Tapper, Short Money Ran Home, but Now with the Fiasco in the States the Tapper may go on to 2014 but the Money went elsewhere into Asia and its New Middle Class! Bad Luck Brazil Annoyed the Yanks with it Anti American MERCURSUR Stance! Silly Brazil thats still a 15 Trillion Economy against an unstable China 5 Trillion and the States through Obama getting a Coallition of Willing Social Democratic Countries into NAFTA (TLC) Agreements Round the World with Globalisation by 2017 including China and Europe and South American Pacific Pact Countries from Chile to Panama and Mexico and onto the States and Canada, with 26 Navies to Protect its Sea Routes for Capitalist Free Trade Globally! Wake up Brazil you need to Pivote to China and the Pacific through the Pacific Pact Countries! Brazil Might end up out of all that, and Have to Carry Argentina and Venezuela that are both Economic Basket Cases and have an uprising at Home due to these Incompetents in Argentina and Venezuela!
Posted on: Fri, 04 Oct 2013 17:07:43 +0000

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