All the diets out there are just fads. Follow the money and you - TopicsExpress


All the diets out there are just fads. Follow the money and you will see the source of their births and our deaths. I have tried every single one. I am fortunate to be extremely sensitive and react to anything that just doesnt feel 100% right. I researched the Paleo diet for a very long time and tried it as well. I have found a great deal of information to prove that the Paleolithic people did not eat land animals, especially in the quantities laid out in the original book that started this fad The Stone Age Diet by Walter L. Voegtlin in 1975. If the Paleolithic people even ate the meat laid out in this diet plan, they werent eating domestic farm animals if they werent agricultural people. Think about it. In addition, they would have eaten meat sparingly because of the amount of energy required to hunt them. Also, they most likely would have eaten a lot of organ meats which our modern Paleo diet people are not eating. Last year, I visited the food exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History and learned that wild chickens only laid an egg once a year, so Paleolithic people did not consume eggs monthly let alone weekly or daily. We domesticated our chickens and redesigned them to produce one egg per day. In addition I came across an interesting article where a recent Swedish study shows that the most meat Paleolithic people ate were fish, because this would have required less energy to obtain than hunting land animals. Furthermore, the Stone Age peoples DNA is very different from that of the people of Europe, so if your family is from Europe, perhaps you arent designed to eat what our Stone Age ancestors ate either way. newscientist/article/dn25461-stone-age-dna-shows-huntergatherers-shunned-farming.html#.VCX6mUtuSwI Today I finally came across a TED Talks video that pretty much sums up all the information I also have found digging through the studies and literature. My goal is to bring awareness to how and why diets are failing us in the long run. My goal is not to criticize or ridicule peoples diets. I want to help people really examine what is being fed to us (no pun intended). It seems we become the experiments for doctors, nutritionists and authors that are selling us incorrect information. Unfortunately, many of these diets do work for some people for a few years but fail them later on. My rule of thumb is to always follow the money to find the intentions of the provider of the information. The video below is worth watching and thinking about. We must start to think more critically about what information we are receiving and taking the time to debunk for ourselves the information that is out there. As individuals we can still choose to follow a certain diet or lifestyle that speaks to us but I am inviting you to dig a little deeper and look at all sides of the story. https://youtube/watch?v=BMOjVYgYaG8
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 00:01:57 +0000

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