All the soul cleansing Ive been focusing on in the last month I - TopicsExpress


All the soul cleansing Ive been focusing on in the last month I wasnt on here has made great rifts in not only my word play and abundance, yet divine *timing* as well, things are always happening for me perfectly, when needed the most. Life just stays complimentary now, from one thing to the next. Everything comes in pairs, sometimes triplets. Truly magical. Job opportunities up, just in time for some fall fun. Halloween is coming. Blood, guts and gore! The chilling, deterioration cycle and then to be born again through Samhain All the energy coming from the spirit realms Pumpkin ale, seeds,pie! The crisp clean air... Shedding of Gaias Layers. School is going beyond well, theres always a better way to Life Coach or hold Hypnotherapy sessions Beyond that Ive been taking extra courses Reading again every single night. and can spend all this time alone, not a care in the world. Ive been pretty moved more and more by the DnB, Dub scene here Nothing makes me feel more whole than when I am dancing. Im writing poetry again. I am going to my first Festival this year My first Cosplay next May I love California and all whom Ive met and yet to meet. Could go on and on and on... YEAH. I AM EXCITED ON LIFE GUYS!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 18:43:56 +0000

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