All we have heard since President Obama has taken office is - - TopicsExpress


All we have heard since President Obama has taken office is - Healthcare Reform - how many years has that been - wouldnt you think with all that talk of reform there would have been an equal measure of doing? Who talks and talks without doing - mostly, our governing body. I propose that those who talk the best - do the least. Most of the folks doing dont have the time for just talking- One more reason Government should stay out of business. Business is about doing. Stay out of healthcare, manufacturing, banking, etc - let the businesses of America take care of America. If some of those businesses mess up - let them take the fall - not all of the working Americans. Oh - you think all those employees would be out of jobs - really? How long do you think it would take for another smart businessman to step in and build another business - this is America - this is what we would do if only the government would let would be stronger, good employees better taken care. After all, only the working Americans are paying for those folks who evidently do not know how to run their business - Those folks are supposed to be grownups - how long are we going to babysit grownups who screw up? Which leads me back to the present healthcare mess - forget that I have always been responsible for my own healthcare insurance (@ 18 yrs old to present), and paid out of pocket for most every medical need....setting up a payment schedule with my provider if I wasnt able to pay the entire amount, if necessary - I did that because I am a grownup. I didnt go the government and say you owe me, I didnt file bankruptcy because I didnt want to pay my credit card debt...I just took a second job or worked more hours. What a novel idea? But if most of America has chosen (by their votes or not voting) to suck the tit of the government that was only created to oversee - not to play God - if the majority of America has chosen Obamacare than I am still an American - Ok - I have to deal. But after Obama finally gets his wish - He is not ready!!! He has not made sure that he has working software! He has had years to prepare! What? you dont think that there have been businesses out there working on this software since the idea hit? Is Obama demanding accountability for this mess from the provider he has chosen? After all, the buck does stop with him. Mr. President - if you want to be in business - you should realize - that the buck stops with you, at the top. Why werent you more prepared? Was it because you really never had any experience in the business world? When will the American people say No - and take business back in their own hands?And be grown up enough to take responsibility for their mistakes and for it to be ok if you are successful? I believe that was why our forefathers came to America. If there is to be Healthcare Reform - why hasnt it been passed to competing businesses to implement? I believe, at the very least we would have had working software and at the most competitively priced. Just sayin.....
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 13:32:48 +0000

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