Allah has made the Ummah of Islam as the best nation to have been - TopicsExpress


Allah has made the Ummah of Islam as the best nation to have been produced as an example for mankind (cf. Quran 3:110). We are not the best, however, by virtue of having been born into a Muslim country; by having a name like Ibrahim, Ali, Muhammad. Allah Himself, from above the Seven Heavens, describes us as the best because we enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong and believe in Allah . If we fall short, as a community, then how can we fulfill those requirements? And we have fallen short, as a community, quite a bit. But insha Allah, we are at the cusp of a revival--worldwide. And I believe that our group--this humble Facebook page--may be a part of it. I am proud for having worked on it, and I am proud for having been part of what may be the re-introduction of these great aspects of teaching, warning, instructing the people regarding the harms that may come, and encouraging people to do good, to come closer to Allah. I do not know how many people have been affected or influenced by our work--but it doesnt really matter. What matters is that a group of people came together; losing sleep, spending hours on end; for this cause. And since you cannot thank Allah without thanking the people: I thank each and every one of our contributors and well-wishers for their work, efforts and support. An election will not change much. This fitnah is ten years old, and it may continue beyond these days. So, theres a lot of work ahead. Theres no money in it. Theres no fame or glory in it. Theres nobody who will remember you for it. But on Yawmul Qiyaamah, if your intentions were right and your work was good, you will taste the reward of your hardwork. If you cannot contribute, or join, then at least remember us in your du`a. If you offend or insult or deviate from Islam, then advise us. May Allah keep you and your loved ones safe and may He grant Rahmah to our living and our dead. Ameen. #WakeUpNOW -AT
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 18:33:10 +0000

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