Almost all great post-apocalyptic movies contain at least one - TopicsExpress


Almost all great post-apocalyptic movies contain at least one scene where characters find canned foods and enjoy a taste of the old days. Shit, in The Road Warrior, dude eats dog food and he LOVES it. Anyway, earlier today I fed my cats some of this Tika Cat food and it kinda made me hungry and that made me think of how, in a few years, when the radioactive mutants (or Terminators or insect-aliens or whoever) rule the earth, itll totally be socially acceptable to eat pet food in mixed company. In fact, youll need to hide your cat food because people will covet yours and try to steal it so they can feed their stupid baby or whatever. And youll have to be all like, I didnt tell you to have a kid! You shoulda made a condom out of a trash bag, like a normal person! Then youd probably have to battle that guy to the death. Come on people, the robots or mutants or aliens or whatever are the real enemy...
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 06:44:00 +0000

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