Almost daily, I have this conversation with at least one client… - TopicsExpress


Almost daily, I have this conversation with at least one client… Client: “Your plan isn’t working. I’m not losing weight.” Me: “Ok. So, are you following the plan to a ‘T’?” Client: “Of course I am! I am totally compliant to the plan. I am doing everything you’ve told me to do.” Me: “Good. Okay, so let’s run it down.” (I pull out the client’s plan and we go thru it meal by meal) “So for breakfast you’re eating oatmeal and eggwhites?” Client: “Well, I don’t really like eggwhites so I substituted the eggwhites for turkey bacon and 2 hard boiled eggs.” Me: “Okay, let’s stop right there. You are not following MY plan. Turkey bacon and hard boiled eggs are not on the plan I gave you.” Client: “Well, I figured it was okay because, ya know, bacon is a protein and eggs are protein.” (uh, right) Me: “Mmmmhmmm. There’s a reason that bacon and 2 hard boiled eggs are not on your plan for breakfast. Let’s keep going through the rest of your day…” As we run down the rest of the day, it is made clear that the client has totally altered the plan I gave them for numerous reasons…the most common being… □ I got bored eating the same thing all the time. □ I don’t have TIME to eat yogurt and nuts (or whatever said food) when I’m on the go (this is my all time favorite!!) □ I wasn’t hungry, so I decided to leave that meal out □ I figured since you put “x” on my friend Susie’s nutrition plan that I could eat it too. Meanwhile, these people are claiming that the plan they’ve been given (by me or any professional like me…because I guarantee anyone who does what I do hears the same thing) doesn’t work which is why they’re not losing weight. Bullshit! The plan doesn’t work because they’re not following MY plan. If you want to be successful, with anything, in reaching any goal first you have to have a PLAN to accomplish the goal. And most importantly…you have to FOLLOW the f*ckin’ plan!!! If you aren’t going to, don’t want to, can’t follow the plan you will NOT succeed. Be accountable. Follow the f*ckin’ plan. Get RESULTS. Recently a client emailed me and said...Hey, guess what...I followed your f*ckin plan like you said and I lost 3 pounds! Go figure! Yeah, go figure! SHOCKING!!!
Posted on: Mon, 20 Jan 2014 18:21:45 +0000

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