Aloha Friends and Family, as you may have heard two hurricanes - TopicsExpress


Aloha Friends and Family, as you may have heard two hurricanes (Iselle and Julio) are baring down upon the Hawaiian Islands with increased strength. They are, however, expected to lose strength as they pass through the island chain. Iselle is currently a Category 1 Hurricane and Julio is currently a Category 2 Hurricane. Unfortunately, for my friends on the Big Island, are expected to take the brunt of the storms (even after the earthquake they endured this morning) and the upper high from Iselle is supposed to help break apart Julio, but they are not expected to stop. Your prayers are needed for everyone in Hawaii. For Friends and Extended Family here in the islands, I have gone through a hurricane already (Katrina a Category 3 Hurricane) and would like to share some advice: - I pray you have gotten all the supplies you need to make through these storms, if not dont waste your time fighting with people on the roads and streets. Take care of your home and family. Make your resources stretch. Help will come soon after. - Gather all of your valuable documents and double bag them in ziplock bags. In an event like this you will not be able to take a tv, computer, or vehicle in the bathtub with you! Practice your dodge ball skills. The bathtub with a mattress on top, or a room with strong walls (aka storm shelter), will be your greatest allies in the event the winds become too strong. - Bring all your loose items inside (this includes all vehicles, patio furniture and plants). - If youre boarding up your windows (better safe than sorry) great. If not, crack open, slightly, two windows on opposite sides of the house to equalize pressure. Theres nothing like dodging class because a window blew out! I learned this lesson the hard way. - If your house is elevated, get your butt to a shelter!! Otherwise, you may find yourself in Kansas. If youre in a low lying area, get to higher ground. If you have singlewall construction, get to a shelter. - Many of us here know the power of the ocean and water, the same holds true for the wind (with the exception that you will grow wings). No matter how big or small you are the wind can pick you up. Dont be brave and try to watch the storm. - And above all trust your instincts and your commonsense. Now I will go practice what I preached. LOL Stay safe out there!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:55:06 +0000

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