Along with the deck of playing cards and tarot cards in the - TopicsExpress


Along with the deck of playing cards and tarot cards in the Dengeki Maoh issue, a pin up poster of P3+P4 MCs will be included as well as a poster explaining the history of the tarot, what each Major Arcana means, and how to do a reading. ~~~~ I just want to give out my two cents about tarot cards. I feel like theyre being really misunderstood and it hurts to see people see these things as demonic or ungodly when it is the greatest tools for people who are consciously aware that they are going through a spiritual path. I wrote a wall-of-text at Koromaru with a Blog about my opinion of the tarot as a spiritualist, so Im going to copy and paste it down here for those who are interested. !!!I ASK THAT YOU REFRAIN FROM WRITING COMMENTS SUCH AS tarot cards are not supposed to be this deep. or People actually believe this shit? Because they ARE deep, and I do believe in this shit because I have first hand experience with them. And I know that they were initially used as trump cards. You could also use regular playing cards as tarot cards too, you know. Im also a very rational person, mind you. Im a scientist, studied biology at one of the worlds most prestigious schools, and have been working in a cancer research lab since I was in high school. I think Im sane and logical enough to make rational decisions, so I dont need someone telling me off on things that Ive experienced FIRST HAND. If youre not open-minded enough to take what I have to say, then dont read continue reading and dont write down smart ass comments. !!! ~~~~~~~~~~ Im a spiritualist and have been working with tarot cards for quite a while now. And I feel very upset that the majority think of tarot cards as demonic because their religion told them so. Whoever says that tarot cards are demonic are very misinformed and are probably afraid of it because they dont know what they are. Tarot cards have very spiritual implications to them and the major arcana represents the steps someone goes through when they embark a spiritual path. For example, in the lore for the Raider-Waite Tarot, the Fool Arcana represents someone taking the first step to a spiritual, enlightened path. He doesnt know where he is going; he doesnt know the consequences, but he continues on because he has faith in the Universe/God/Source that hes on the right path. The High Priestess Arcana represents someone who is in tune with their intuition, are tapped into the wonders of the Universe and its hidden Truths. How in the world does this sound demonic? Sure theres a Devil Arcana, but it doesnt mean that its about the Devil. Its about human ego and desires that doesnt serve the persons highest good. The Death Arcana doesnt mean actual death either and the meaning of the card is actually really beautiful. Its a story about turning over a new leaf. Its like the story of the Phoenix. The Pheonix grows old and has all these experiences, but it turns into ash and is reborn again. The Death Arcana means that your old self is dying so that you can experience rebirth. These are all very positive messages and each Arcana tells a story that tells us more about ourselves. Secondly, tarot cards are not used to summon demons. Theyre a tool to hone intuition and tap in to the all-knowing Universal energy. Theyre used to give clarity in our lives so that we can develop spiritually. Spiritualists believe that we are more than our body -- that we are spiritual beings experiencing life on Earth. We believe that there are certain experiences and lessons that we must learn while we journey here, and sometimes we need clarity to fulfill our purpose here on Earth. Thats where the Tarot comes in. Its not necessary to use, but it helps us confirm that our intuition is right on target. We believe that intuition is how we connect to God/Source/Universe. We use the tarot as a tool to connect to God. At least thats how I use it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Also, before you use the tarot cards, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU CLEAR IT through meditation/prayer/intention. Just meditating with the intent to ask the Universe to clear them, ask that you receive utmost clarity from your readings, and that whatever comes of it will serve your highest good. Finish meditating when you feel its right. Things can have energy imprints so its imperative that you clear them. Thats why there are people that instantly know things about that person because they can detect that energy. I know stuff like this exist because I can see them, and its pretty damn hard to put off something that doesnt exist when you can literally freaking see them. If you guys are interested, this is my story: ~「Nanaker Brojima」
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 08:33:57 +0000

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