Alright, Im here asking you to pray. One of the decisions we have - TopicsExpress


Alright, Im here asking you to pray. One of the decisions we have made is to get a 2nd (and possibly 3rd) opinion from top neuros. (USC, UCLA, Cleveland Clinic, etc...) We have to pay cash out of pocket to be seen, but we really need a solid, trusted voice. Well today we got a call from USC saying they would get Jon in at their first available appt slot - May 8. :( Jons tumor is growing at such a rapid rate, by May 8 the tumor will be that much bigger. At 5:00 they called back. The nurse wanted to talk to me about the urgency of Jons appt. (she had finally read Jons file) She was so shocked about the growth and even questioned if this was indeed the type of tumor they originally thought it was. (which Jon has questioned as well.) She said the Dr is only in the office on Thursdays and hes jammed packed. But she said first thing in the morning she would talk to the scheduler and see about getting Jon in TOMORROW. The scheduler is the one who already said May 8. Would you please pray for favor? Would you pray for a miraculous opening? Thank you for joining us in this...
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 04:03:01 +0000

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