Alright now seems like a good time to post this! Ok long story - TopicsExpress


Alright now seems like a good time to post this! Ok long story short, my phone was stolen by an waitress at Pradaria Churrascaria on Sunday!! Heres the story lol: Man, so we finished an awesomely delicious lunch of brazillian bloody rare steaks slices, and roasted pineapples lol! And then we all get up to leave, and stupid stupid me, bad habits, and finally getting burned for it, finally learned my lesson! I get up and pick up my wallet and keys, but like a dummy fail to pick up my phone!! Im to blame. So we all get in the cars, and my phone aint with me. I run back into the restaurant and this girl waitress starts trying to help me find the phone. I meet up with the manager and he tries to help me. He goes to check the security vid, comes back and tells me that it looks like I didnt leave a phone. I check my car about 4 more times, then get firmly convinced, it just got stolen. I walk back in, and talk to the manager again. My mom calls and soeaks with him, and my mom gets really angry because it is clear the phone was stolen. She then tells him we are calling the cops. The manager is nice, feels the pressure, and lets me watch the security vid that he claims, us only supoosed to be watched by police. So he does us a favor, we go back and watch the vid. So long to short, theres only two possible suspects. One girl waiter cleans up first, then the guy waiter cleans up second. In the video, you clearly see a black object that is the shape of a phone. We zoom in, slow it down, and clearly in two instances, both the guy and the girl are doing what looks like, picking up the phone. The manager in attempt to save his employees, tries to accuse Lola Charo, of stealing the phone haha!.So my parents arrive, and she says the cops are coming, and more than that, they have a tracker on the phone, and the phone is being tracked to being located there inside the restaurant! Theif exposed! Lol. So then, the girl waiter and guy waiter get interogated. The guy waiter is cool, calm, says some supsicious things,like oh thats a knife I picked up, not a phone. But compared to the girl waitress, he wasnt suspicious at all. The entire time, from beginning to end, she was asking and saying supiscious things to us. Like, hey so does it have a tracker? Does it have to be to on for it to be tracked? Is it like an I phone? She even talked back to my mom, saying, what, is the phone really that expensive? Haha! Man that made her so mad, she fired back, what? That phone is worth more than your job! It can cost your job! Its ironic because my mom didnt know she was a suspect! The waitress kept saying more stuff like, oh the cops wont come, its not life or death situation etc. So, in the end, when she was brought into the office to be interrogated, she was very nervous and kind of shaky. But when she saw it wasnt suoer clear that she took it, she tried to cover up, saying, oh no one her would steal anything. (Except for her of course) haha. So we go and watch the vid one more time with my parents, 4 hours later. And we notice tge convicting evidence. After the girl cleans the table and picks up the black thing, she runs to the womens restroom! The manager notices, gets the employees to check the filthy dumpsters, and he checks the trash. He says he couldnt find anything. So later, he gets mad at us, telling us he needs to let his employees go, because his boss is getting mad, since theyre all still on the clock. He lets them go, cops never come, and he accuses me of making stuff up, its not real, he said, theres nothing. He probably just lost it. He says. We leave pretty sad, bummed out. I go to sleep and then get woken up by a call the next morning. Its the owner of the restaurant. He says. Is this Josh? Then he says. Im sorry we found something this morning. We closed the store, and me and the manager searched the entire store for the phone. We found your phone case and your phone battery in the womens restroom. What! Wow! He then goes on to say it has to be that woman waitress that picked up the black thing and immediately ran to that same womens restroom. He then tells me more details like, we cant press charges against her, or fire or punish her etc. Because we dont want to be liable. Its up to you to press charges against her etc. Get the finger prints on the phone case etc. And start the investigation. He then continues to apologize and attempts to appease with free dinner. I say thanks and then hang up.haha what a day! I believe theyre still going on with the investigation. So sadly, still my phone is lost forever. I think I have some valuable info on there still! Oh snaps! So I guess the point in me sharing this is, first, pray for salvation for that waitress and the staff there, if they dont know Christ as Lord Savior. Because who cares about a phone, its just a material object that one day will be destroyed. Eternal salvation of souls are more important. Secondly, if you could please, I think I permanently lost all my phone contacts ive built over the years! Dang thats probably the saddest part. Please message me your name and your number if you want me to have it. Thanks! I appreciate it! And lastly, we can never ignore how this applies spiritually. Maybe this is clearly a blesson, blessing / lesson, that I need to spend less time on the phone, distracted, and more time directly in the word, with the Lord, no phone distractions. And most importantly, this reminds me of judgment day.One day we will all die and face the holy and righteous God one day. This holy God has it all on tape so to speak. God has seen every work done in darkness that we have , he sees every sin weve committed, every evil thing, wicked thought, disobedience. He sees it all! What can you say for yourself on that day? Any claims of goodness or righteousnes is a flase claim. God doesnt see any of us as good at all, he sees us as we are, criminals who have broken his laws over and over again. Criminals deserve nothing but punishment. Wrath of God is what we deserve! The flaming hot oven, compressed bodies into it, to suffer ,forever to pay the sin penalty forever! This is what you deserve sinner! This is what I deserve! If you think you deserve heaven, or any reward from God apart from Him, you are deciving yourself! You deserve wrath! This is the truth of Gods holy word, not man. But then, this is where you grasp and think about grace, love and mercy, this is where you think about Gods Son, Jesus Christ righteous! You think about Him, you think about the scriptures that say, Christ came into the world. Was manifested to take away sins! In him in no sin! No vile, no deceit came out of his mouth! Perfect holy, blameless for sinners like you. Drinking down the full cup of wratg there on that tree, the wooden cross. He died and suffered, was buried, but three days later rose victoriously over sin! He now reigns in Heaven, until all his enemies become his footstool. Where one day he will return to take his bride, his people, those who trusted repented, and believed on Him. He will take them to be with him in heaven forever. And those who have rejected him, will burn forever in Hell, under his just wrath. What must we do to be saved? We cannot save ourselves. It is only through Jesus Christ alone that any can be saved. The scriptures command us to repent and believe in Jesus. Repentance toward God, and in our Lord Jesus Christ. A change of mind, agreeing with God with what he in His word. You cannot save yourself through good works. The wages of sin is death, the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ our Lord. You repent, and believe in Christ. Trusting in Him, believing that He was perfect for you, he died the substitutionary death for you. Hs sufferes the hell you deserve! This is faith, this is Christ! Theres nothing greater to talk about! If your ashamed to talk about this Gospel to people, you and I lack love! Repent and believe my friend, and will be saved! You will find life eternal, joy everlasting, in fellowship with the source of life, God Himself! Whew!
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 14:26:50 +0000

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