Alright, so I just finished up a few adjustments, again remember - TopicsExpress


Alright, so I just finished up a few adjustments, again remember this is not for TK, though not to say I couldnt ever use him in it, but this is for D&D and again is a rough draft. Most ideas are flushed out and grammar is still needing work. But I need feedback on the general idea and overall arc of the story. Arankanos Arankanos grew up traveling a frequently. He and his mother were spurned from every community they went through simply for their appearance. The Tiefling are not a race unfamiliar to such prejudice, but growing up in such an environment does breed certain characterstics. Arankanos bore the sins of his great grandfather plainly on his face and physical features. Growing up he got used to the bullied by the local kids wherever he went, but over time he began to find ways to get passed that with people. He learned he had been gifted with a silver tongue. Using another gift, his wits, along with tongue he learned how to swindle and persuade those he met out of their treasures and gold. At the age of eight, however; it would take him to a place he never thought would be possible. One night he was in another town that he and his mother had just arrived in, and traveling down to the local tavern he planned to acquire some silver from the local dunces to feed his mother and he for the night. Little did he know that the fool he was trying to coerce was anything but average. After listening to the young Tiefling speak the middle aged elf just laughed and commented, You have a bright future ahead of you kid. just before getting up and leave. Determined to make some money for food and future expenses he went on to the next fool. Later that night when Arankanos returned to the squalid room they were able to rent for the night he found his mother talking to the Elf, instantly he grew concerned. His mother had a pensive look on her face as she was in deep thought, and upon seeing him enter she looked over and smiled. Turning back to the Elf and with a slight sigh, Yes, promise me he will have a better life, and you have a deal. Arankanos would learn his mother had just given him over to the elf to be his apprentice. The elf he had tried to trick turned out to be a wise wizard who was traveling back to his tower from a meeting of mages in the capital. Over the next decade Arankanos would learn the arcane arts, histories, and sciences from his new master. He spent all his free time pouring over new books, ancient tomes, and small academia pamphlets. He couldnt get enough of the learning. He knew that he had been given an opportunity to become something more, and something better than a common conman. On the eve of his 20th birthday, his master entered his chambers, I have something for you my apprentice. It is a book I received from my master. I believe it is time you read it, and decided if you will be staying with me for the final phase of your training or if you will be leaving me. Read this tonight, put aside the other books you have. Tomorrow I expect to know what your answer is at dinner. Arankanos spent the entire night reading the delicate tome that he had been presented with. The book was strange, it was clearly extremely ancient, the leather binding was slightly cracked, but seemed to faintly glow a pale purple from those cracks, and each page the letters were that of a glowing gold in a some of the most artistic script he had ever seen in any of the books he had read. The next day he went to dinner to meet his master. So, this Old One that is spoken of, why have I not seen his name amongst the other Old Ones and deities? His master thoughtfully replied, Well it is simple, only a small population of us that are aware of his existence exist because we have kept it a secret. At his request mind you. We choose those that we feel will serve his purpose properly because he does not want any of his followers to mistreat these gifts we are given when we are in his service. So that is why before you are even revealed of his existence we test you and train you to see if you are worthy. He may be an Old One, but he seems to be a little more active that some of the others, and is not bent on destruction of our plane like others. Arankanos: I see, well after reading the manifesto I believe that that path sounds fantastic. I want to follow down it, I want those gifts. I want to know everything there is to know. I want to become powerful. What is it I have to do to forge this pact with him. Master: Well you will see tonight then, I have been doing some research and know of just the right thing. Later that night master and apprentice left in the dark of night. As they arrived at a large cottage in the middle of nowhere the master turned towards Arankanos, So, tonight we will gather the offering that you must make. Which is? Here, youre a quick study so I know you will learn this really fast. His master sat there in the dark teaching Arankanos a new ritual and spell. Use this only when you need information and knowledge from someone that is expendable. This spell will take everything from them. Its a gift from Antiel. Shortly after they had a fully drawn out ritual circle drawn in the dirt on a hill overlooking hill. Master and apprentice snuck into the house to find a dragonborn man standing over a table stacked with tomes and bones. Master: So, use the spell I taught you outside on him. Hes older, but strong. So make sure to weaken him a little first. Ill watch and see how you do. The ritual you did outside was your pact with Antiel, this act of using that spell on him seals it. Do not fail. A short battle ensued as Arankanos ran into the room throwing spells. After the smoke cleared the dragonborn lay sprawled on the table begging for his life. The master spoke, Use the spell, he is aiding one of the Abyssal Lords and his fiends. He is an enemy to our master. Arankanos turned and cast the spell at the dragonborn and all went white. Arankanos awoke three weeks later in his masters tower. So, finally youve woken. Took me four weeks so Id say youre ahead of the game. be careful and eat some food today. The spell you cast on him drained him of all his knowledge and of his life. It will extend yours by how much time he had left. Youll get used to the effects as you use it more, which should be sparingly, but the first time is always the worst. The rush of information and life energy is usually too much the first time, the next time you will probably only feel slightly woozy for a few hours and less each time you use it. Also, be aware that now that you are an acolyte of Antiel; my appearance is actually an illusion. I hide it from all those that are not of our order. When you are strong enough look at yourself and see what our master has changed you into, and it seems you were gifted more than the rest I have seen. He may have big plans for you. Arankanos stood up later that day and walked to the mirror and what he saw was vastly different than what he grew up with. Before he was tall, his eyes black, one horn broken from an accident as a child, hair that was an auburn-red and skin the color of a pale rust. Now, what was looking back at him was so vastly different. His skin was now a pale white with tinges of pale blue marbling his skin, his horn grown back, his hair a ghostly white, and his eyes were a molten gold with the same gold running down several now prominent veins from his eyes to his temples. Through the next five years Arankanos and his master roamed around hunting down ancient secrets for personal gain of knowledge and power, and on occasions hunting down a follower of the Abyssal Lords for Antiel. Now he has struck out on his own at the age of 24 and is out discovering and delving into forgotten libraries and dungeons, and Antiel is planning something big, but unknown.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 05:50:49 +0000

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