Alsalam alaikum WR. WB. (I begin) In the name of Allah, the - TopicsExpress


Alsalam alaikum WR. WB. (I begin) In the name of Allah, the most, Benevolent Merciful. Dear Beloved All: The People of Allah and Their In-dependency: (6/6) By: Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal Ajam Arifbillah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (R.A.) 16. The Incident of the Repentance of Nasooh, Which Has Been Mentioned in the Mathnawi 3. Request duas from the selected servants of Allah. There was a youngster, who due to having plenty of feminine features, disguised himself as a woman and took up work as a maid, for the royal women in the king’s palace, to bathe and massage them. Although his secret was well hidden, his inner-self would repeatedly rebuke him, regarding his filthy deeds. One day, while strolling in the jungle, he cried out, “O Allah, how shall I ever succeed on the Day of Reckoning! Will I ever be able to escape from these evil traits? Allah accepted his pleas and tears and allowed the tide to turn in his favour. One of the selected servants of Allah happened to pass by. The saint stopped to enquire the reason for his sobbing. The boy replied that the tears were being shed due to a disease, for which he could find no cure, i.e. the disease of sin. چُھٹتی نہیں ہے منہ سے ظالم لگی ہُوئی “I cannot escape, for this oppressor has caught hold of my face!” The saint advised the boy to make wudhu (ablution), perform two rakaats of Salaah and thereafter engage in dua. The emotions with which he made dua can well be imagined, that it found acceptance immediately. The plans for his guidance and being drawn out of sin were now set into motion. سن لے اے دوست جب ایام بھلے آتے ہیں گھات ملنےکی وہ خود آپ ہی بتلاتے ہیں “O friends, listen well! When good days arrive He, Himself, informs of the place and time of meeting An expensive necklace of the queen, worth millions, went missing. The order was issued that everyone in the female parlor be searched. All were lined in queues. The boy realized that when his turn would come, he would be stripped of his clothing, and his secret would be exposed. The punishment he would then face, for robbing the honour of the royal women, who obviously be nothing short of death. In fear, his body went into a shiver and tears began flowing. From the bottom of his heart, he begged Allah for divine help. There were now only three women left, and then it would be his turn. The thoughts of what punishments were awaiting him made his blood go dry. He would most probably be buried chest-height, and then dogs would be let loose upon him. They would tear him to pieces and he would suffer a most disgraceful, terrifying and painful death. As these thoughts raced through his mind, his heart let out a final cry, “O Allah! You are indeed Most Faithful, while I have been most unfaithful. You are Most Kind and Most Generous, while I have been most insincere. O Allah, what else but incompetence can be expected from an incompetent fool. As for You, O Allah, showering kindness is Your trait. O Allah, shower me with Your kindness, and shower mercy upon that soul which has spent its life drowning in sin!” گر مرا ایں بارستاری کنی توبہ کردم من زہر ناکردنی “O Allah, if today You conceal my fault, I promise to change forever! I shall never again do that which invites Your wrath. Please safeguard my honour today!” اے خدا ایں بندہ رارسوا مکن گر بدم من سر من پیدا مکن “O Allah, do not disgrace this servant. I admit that I have been most unfaithful, but please do not allow my secret to be disclosed!” This is that poem, which Hazrat Haji Imdadullah Saheb (Rahmatullah Alaihe) continued reciting from Esha till Fajr, while in the Ka’bah Sharif. Anyway, the boy’s cries continued, “O Allah, let not my clothes be removed! Let the necklace be found before my turn comes, or else my secret shall be exposed, and execution shall be my fate! O Allah, please protect my honour! I promise never to displease You again! Please conceal my secret! The boy further begged: اے عظیم از ما گناہان عظیم تو توانی عفو کردن در حریم “O The Most Great, I admit that my evil has reached levels of enormous magnitude, but it can never compare to the greatness of Your Majesty and Grandeur.” “Even if such sins were to occur in the House of Allah, then too forgiving it would be easy for You. O Allah, You have never, and shall never say to the sinner that Your treasures of forgiveness has been exhausted, or that too many chances have already been given, or that our sins have mounted up so much that forgiving it has become difficult! O Allah, our evil has its limits, whilst Your Grandeur and Majesty has no limit! O Allah, we may become tired of sinning, but showering forgiveness shall never tire You! O Allah, today conceal my faults and let me not be disgraced!” The heart almost collapsed under the strain caused by his intense pleading and the boy lapsed into unconsciousness. His duas were heard and while unconscious, he was allowed a glance at both Jannah and Jahannam. At that moment, the necklace was also discovered and the search brought to an abrupt end, with only three girls remaining before his turn could come. With fans and sweet-smelling fragrances, the women of the palace managed to revive him. They implored his forgiveness, thinking that their doubting his honesty had caused his collapse, and they requested that he continue with the work he would do so well, i.e. bathing and massaging them. Imbued with a new spirit, he replied, “I can no longer continue with this practice. My Allah has shown me what Jannah and Jahannam look like. I shall now go in search of the man, whose dua caused my heart to change.” Thereafter, in a short space of time, he managed to traverse great distances in reaching Allah, and soon occupied a high mantle of wilayat (sainthood). Three actions have thus far been mentioned: 1. Be courageous 2. Beg Allah for more courage. Cry so much that it leaves its impact on the angels as well. Shake the heavens with your pleas. Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) says: چوں بگریم خلق ہا گریاں شود چوں بنالم چرخ ہا نالاں شود “O people of the world, when Jalaluddin Rumi weeps in the love of Allah, the whole world joins in my tears. When I implore my Allah, even the heavens join in my cries! عرش لرزد از انین المذنبیں “Even the Arsh (Throne of Allah) shakes, due to the sincere tears of the repenter” 3. Request duas from the selected servants of Allah Hazrat Hakim ul Ummah, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe), has prescribed this formula, comprising of three actions. I have included, within this formula, three more actions: 1. After consulting with the friends of Allah and receiving some prescribed azkaar (forms of remembering Allah), complete it with punctuality. By taking Allah’s name, light is created within the heart. Thereafter, if ever this light were to be extinguished, one would naturally become perplexed and not rest until his light comes on again. Only those are disturbed by the darkness, which had previously enjoyed light. Thus, a course of Zikrullah is of vital importance. 2. Endeavour to come into the company of the friends of Allah, as much as possible. Just as how desi (natural) mangoes when tied together with langra (hybrid) mangoes, also becomes langra (hybrid), similarly, whosoever spends time in the company of the friends of Allah, there is great hope that he too shall one day, Insha Allah, become the friend of Allah. 3. Avoid all avenues which could result in sin, with the eyes, the heart and the body. Do not look at those places, nor allow those thoughts to enter one’s heart. Strive to keep the heart clean of all filthy thoughts. Move away from wherever there is a possibility of one being attracted to evil. Avoiding the avenues of evil must be done collectively, with the body, the eyes, and the heart. One may be seated far from the evil, but by merely looking at it, its effects shall fall upon the heart, no matter how far away it may be. Whether one physically enters the area of evil, or glances towards it from far, or merely takes enjoyment in its thoughts, in all three instances, its poison shall dampen his spirits and create cowardice within him. After taking poison, even the company of one’s Shaikh shall have little effect. This poison shall then draw one towards places more advanced in evil. Shaytaan easily traps those who first commit some sin on their own. اِنَّمَا اسْتَزَلَّھُمُ الشَّیْطَانُ بِبَعْضِ مَا کَسَبُوْا[1] “Shaytaan only gains hold over you, due to the sins you commit” When one displeases Allah, the shade of Allah’s mercy and protection is lifted. When man is left orphan, Shaytaan finds him to be an easy meal. A weak thug shall never interfere with a kid whose strong father is near. That slave, who walks in the shade of Allah’s protection, who would ever think of interfering with such a person? Allah thus, with the words “ ما كسبوا “ draws our attention to the fact that when one chooses to disobey Him and remove His divine protection, only then can Shaytaan over-power him. Coming back to the falcon, when the owls were preparing for attack, the falcon addressed them thus, “Remember, if you touch even one feather of mine, my master, the king, shall in retaliation, have your entire jungle burnt to the ground. Your nests, your babies and your eggs shall all perish, for my master is all-powerful. The falcon said, گفت باز اریک پرمن بشکند بیخ چغدستاں شہنشہ برکند “If as little as one wing of mine is broken, then expect to meet the worst from my master, the king. He shall make ash out of you all!” Maulana Rumi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) then says, “Never interfere with the men of Allah. Whenever the Prophets and the saintly ones were persecuted, the natural consequence was the destruction of thousands of villages.” The falcon ended his address with the following words, بازم و درمن شود حیراں ہما چغد کہ بودتا بداند سرما “Understand well! I am the falcon of the king. Even the sparrow is unable to really understand my position. Thus for you, an owl, to realize my worth, that is far from possible. Similarly, the worth of the friends of Allah is not understood by many. May Allah remove us from the ranks of owls and bless us with the sight to recognize his friends. 17. Dua’a Let us now make dua: O Allah, whosoever is sick in our families, bless them with complete health. With ease and comfort, create the means for their cure. Protect us from all types of ailments, both physical and physical. O Allah, whosoever is drowning in worry, sorrow or grief, change their state to one of happiness. Whosoever is in debt, create the means for the repayment of these debts. Whosoever has daughters and is unable to find for them suitable match, O Allah, create the means for their settling down with suitable partners. Those women who are being ill-treated by their husbands, create within their husbands an over-looking temperament and a soft, loving nature. Those women, who are disrespectful to their husbands, bless them with love, respect and total obedience to their spouses. O Allah, bless us all, as well as our country, with peace, stability and unity. O Allah, whatever evil is prevalent in our societies, be it robbery, theft, murder, in short whatever there may be, change these evils into good. Bless the Muslims of the world with aafiyat (safety in their religious and worldly matters). Bless those without Imaan with the treasure of Imaan. If Imaan is not destined for them, weaken them and their plans, so that they pose no threat to the believers. O Allah, bless the people of Imaan with the wealth of taqwa, bless the sick with good health, bless the ignorant with knowledge, bless the proud with the wealth of humility, bless the negligent with the fortune of becoming of those who always remember You (Ahl-e-Zikr). Bless the transgressors with the wealth of Your obedience, and O Allah, bless us, our families, our friends, and all Muslims in general with the best of both the worlds.Aamin وَاٰخِرُ دَعْوَانَا اَنِ الْحَمْدُ لِلّٰہِ رَبِّ الْعٰلَمِیْنَ وَصَلَّی اللہ تَعَالٰی عَلٰی خَیْر ِخَلْقِہ مُحَمَّدٍ وَّاٰلِہ وَصَحْبِہ اَجْمَعِیْنَ بِرَحْمَتِکَ یَا اَرْحَمُ الرَّاحِمِیْنَ From the discourses of Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal Ajam Arifbillah Hazrat Aqdas Maulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (Damat Barakaatuhum) 18. What was lacking in Shaytaan? Had Shaytaan repented, even his work would have been accomplished. Hazrat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (Rahmatullah Alaihe) explains that Shaytaan had within him three, ع’s (Arabic alphabet) but was lacking in one (ع): 1. He was an عابد. One who worships Allah Taala. Such a worshipper of Allah was he, that not even a span of earth exists whereupon his head has not prostrated. 2. He was an عارف. One who recognizes. He recognized Allah Taala to such an extent that on the very occasion Allah when Allah Taala anger was directed at him and he was told, “Begone! Verily you are rejected one.” He still implored Allah Taala because he was fully aware of the fact that Allah Taala is absolutely free of prejudice and reaction based on emotion and will not be swayed and overcome by His anger. Even in that state he was confident of his Dua being accepted. He had such recognition of Allah Taala. He was عالم. One who has knowledge. He was an Aalim of such a caliber that he knew all the finer details of the Shariah of all the Messengers. What was lacking was one (ع) 3. He was not an عاشق. He was not an intense lover of Allah Taala. Had he possessed the (ع) of Ishq, the intense love of Allah, he would not have been accursed and rejected. Had he been an Ashiq, he would not have opposed Allah Taala but would have rather become restless at the displeasure he has caused to the Truly Beloved and fallen headlong into prostration and said that which Hazrat Adam (Alaihis Salaam) said: رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا اَنْفُسَنَا “O our Nourisher and Sustainer, we have wronged our souls.” (Extracted from “the virtues of Taubah”) 19. The Fading of Temporary Beauty Without the company of the friends of Allah Taala, worldly people remain intoxicated by these toys of dust. They witness such beauty turning to dust before their eyes in spite of which they are not convinced that these are toys made of dust. Ah! For the sake of such toys of dust, they destroy their eternal life where there will no longer be death. This is shear foolishness. What can be said? Allah Taala has made this world a place to a take lesson from. On seeing a sixteen-year-old girl, one’s intelligence is lost. It is said, “She makes me lose my senses.” When the air-hostess of any airline puts on makeup, one’s Nafs immediately “picks up.” Yet, look at the same woman in her old age, look at her once she retires, look at her when she becomes an old woman of sixty who shuffles along, will your Nafs still incline towards her and desire her? Will you still express love for her? Or will you flee from her? Similarly, the sixteen-year-old boy, that one inclines towards and desires, will become an old man of sixty. Why then do you flee on seeing him in this old age of his? Why do you say, “I am upset at seeing you.” Why are you now fleeing from those who were the cause of your forgetting Allah Taala? Only now, after beauty has gone, your senses have been restored, but now there is no reward in doing so. Had you abstained and protected yourself in your youth, you would have attained Allah Taala. Ah! The entire world is a corpse! This world is a graveyard of corpses! Understand that those who are walking around today are in effect lying in their graves. Every person in the world today will, in a hundred years time, be buried within the bowels of earth. After every century, the inhabitants of the world are to be found under tons of soil. Ponder a little! Over whom are we sacrificing our lives? What is the meaning of sacrificing our loves over those who are corpses? Do not look at their present beauty. Rather look at their decline due to which you will remain safe. ان کے پچپن کو ان کے بچپن سے پہلے سوچو تو دل نہیں دو گے Ponder over their old age before you are taken in by their youth so that you do not hand over your heart to them.. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& اللهم انا نستعينك علی طاعتك (O Allah Talaa! We seek your assistance in the performance of all virtuous deeds) Ameen. With respect yrs brother in Islam - the weak slave. جزاك الله خيرا to my (Co-Op)-Mohiuddin Bros. and sons, Mrs.Susi Abid Kiroto, Sameera Adil, and Hajju in my all posts aameen.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:45:03 +0000

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