Although I believe that we mere mortals would do well to - TopicsExpress


Although I believe that we mere mortals would do well to love/serve God as our heavenly King, I understand we each are (or should be) sovereign with respect to each other, and we can (and should) charter Earthly governments in bottom-upward fashion to help us expertly to defend this sovereignty from each other, as well as from themselves. Im grateful to Americas virtuous wise founders for chartering an excellent political system for us according to such principles, which included many features designed to resist tyranny, including division of governmental power into different institutions that are checked against each other. In fact, on this subject, James Madison once wisely noted that The accumulation of all power, legislative, executive, and judiciary in the same hands . . . may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. Sadly, since 1789, we Americans have allowed our free Constitutional compound republic to degenerate into a bloated corrupt warfare-welfare state that now teeters upon the brink of fascistic/socialistic despotism under a variety of would-be tyrant-demigods. Which includes President Obama, who has previously announced that 2014 will be a year of action in which he will escalate his usurpation of legislative power from Congress in order to issue edicts entirely on his own, so that he may implement his radical legislative agenda whether Congress cooperates with it or not. Heres a New American article about his recent plans to misuse executive orders to legislate federal policy regarding immigration reform. Tyrants, like criminals, tend to push the envelope to see how much power they can get away with usurping---and, if we give them a figurative inch, then they may easily take a mile. Lets please strive to resist such an impending dictatorship---and hope that, if it develops fully, despite our resistance, then it will be both benevolent and brief, and will not remain a lasting change in our political system. Over two millennia ago, classical Roman society endured similar trends during its violent transition from degenerate republic to tyrannical empire, as its governing institutions remained largely intact in their respective forms, but their respective functions changed forever, such as the function of Romes Senate, which was reduced from a legislature to a mere advisory council that served a series of corrupt oppressive Caesars who (like monarchs in everything but name) single-handedly exercised both legislative AND executive power. We Americans desperately need to stop empowering such Caesars and, simultaneously, start both nominating and electing some Catos instead. Cato, by the way, was Caesars most intractable foe, as well as a genuine champion of both virtue and freedom, which are the two vital foundations upon which civilizations rise and, without which, civilizations peak and then dwindle back into feudal barbarism. If we want to avoid following Rome into a second Dark Ages, then lets please choose to stand steadfastly with both virtue and freedom---and with other people (including those in politics) to the extent that they do so, as well.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 19:31:15 +0000

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