Although I did not know the officer that was killed, nor the - TopicsExpress


Although I did not know the officer that was killed, nor the officer injured, this whole incident has weighed heavy on my mind. I have many friends who are in law enforcement or they have spouses and/or family members who are. As I listen to the news reports, read the paper and watch posts on social media I am astounded at the ignorance of people, and even more stunned by Sherfiff Cannons regime! First, these guys were called in to support the off duty officers, yes they were wearing vests, but the vests only cover back, chests and upper part of the abdomen. Thus leaving the head, sides, arms, lower stomach and legs exposed. Last time I checked you can die from getting hit in those areas. So people think before you speak! Second, these men have families, in this case small children and a child with special needs. They woke up yesterday, went to work hoping and praying they would come home, but they and their families knew there was a chance they may not, unfortunately their worse nightmare came true and their prayers for a safe return home were not answered. Third, this one is for Mitch Lucas, you came on the air last night stating you were headed to the hospital to check on and console the families, however, in your press conference you didnt even know how many children he had, nor did your go to person. Seriously, you call a press conference and discuss what a great man he was and etc., but yet you know nothing about him or his family. However, your public relations department and you failed because you only had 16 hours and a multitude of people who could share information about a man you respected so highly, this sounds like he may have just been a number instead. Thats right you and Sheriff Cannon, dont care if they like their jobs because as you have stated there are more people lining up to come work for you. Not to mention taking away their merit raises and then state their paycheck was their merit raise. I am calling out Sheriff Cannon and Mitch Lucas, and request publicly an answer to the below questions: Have you gone without raises for the past five years? How many off duty jobs do you work to supplement your income? The press conference didnt make you look good at all. Fourth, county council and city council need to take the necessary measures to see to it that our officers are paid well enough that they do not have to work several jobs, and in some cases living on the poverty level or just above it while supporting and raising a family. Council members would you put on a badge, carry a gun, protect our community for 35K a year not knowing whether you were going to come home at night to tuck your kids in or make it to their football game, dance recital, or be there for the next birthday youve been planning for 2 months. County council members, ask your Sheriff to be accountable for where the county approved budget raises have gone? Its been stated that they certainly did not go to the working officers, but instead went to those who are higher in command. To those who are drawing salaries double and triple that of the officers on the street. Al Cannon, how does it feel to draw three paychecks, while your officers are barely drawing that they can live off of? Please justify the county approved raises for those in a higher command that sit behind a desk and never have their life on the line. Instead of giving raises to the guys you havent worked in the streets in over 20 years, except when its politically correct to do so, how about give those raises to the ones who walk the line everyday!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 19:03:37 +0000

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