Although gay rights is not my main focus (I support them but my - TopicsExpress


Although gay rights is not my main focus (I support them but my advocacy is as it relates to trans issues because we are behind the curve on acceptance) I thought this was a well made point because what he describes is just as prominent among vocal trans people. FTA - I worry that much of the queer discourse has become too politically correct, with members of the queer community perpetually calling people out, demanding that people check their privilege, correcting microaggressions, and highlighting each and every heteronormative assumption, that it may be scaring away some of our most powerful and important supporters: our fledgling straight allies. And the bottom line is that we need our allies. huffingtonpost/mason-hsieh/is-the-gay-community-scar_b_6464804.html?ncid=tweetlnkushpmg00000054
Posted on: Sun, 18 Jan 2015 19:08:13 +0000

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