Although there has been much loud bickering, accusations and the - TopicsExpress


Although there has been much loud bickering, accusations and the pointing of fingers back and forth from the left and the right these days, concerning our present economic crisis, no one among them it seems, in our government or the media, has the integrity or the balls to point out the identity of the true culprits responsible. And one can be sure it is not through ignorance on their part! Until the early 1900s, America was a prosperous nation and the envy of the world with plentiful jobs and few tax burdens for the people. It had a sound money supply that could be exchanged upon demand for gold or silver coin, almost no national debt and a manufacturing base that exported goods around the world. But between then and now something terrible has happened to America and its economy. And it didnt happen by accident! 14.9 Million Americans (9.7% of the available workforce) are now unemployed. 1.6 Million, according to a USA Today study, are homeless. Never have so many Americans been so vulnerable and dependent upon government largess for their very existence! 34 Million US citizens (13% of its population) are of retirement age. 54 Million Americans (almost 19%) receive disability checks. 100 million Americans are enrolled in at least one Welfare program and 15% of the population (almost 46 million) receive food stamps. Sacrificed on the sacred altar of Globalism, Americas corporate manufacturing base has been moved off-shore and the well-paying jobs that once supported an American middle class are long gone. As a result of this de-industrialization, American-made goods are no longer being sold here at home or being exported internationally as there are few American-made products left to sell. America now must import quite a bit of what it needs, resulting in a balance-of-trade deficit that totals almost $4 Trillion since 1992! Our national Debt is reportedly $17 Trillion dollars! But we also have an additional $116 Trillion in unfunded liabilities, such a Social Security, Medicare and Federal pensions. The United States currently borrows $125 Million each month to help fulfill these monetary obligations! The purchasing power of our American dollar has diminished to about three cents, or 3% of its 1913 relative worth. This de-evaluation is increasingly making it very unattractive as a medium of exchange on the world market and will soon be rendered unacceptable to all parties. And all this can be directly attributed to the bypassing of the Founding Fathers sound, constitutional, debt-free arrangement for the funding of the nation and creation of its money supply. Our politicians will not inform their constituents, nor will the medias taking heads report to their audience that the Federal Reserve is not a government agency! It is, in fact, a rapacious private corporation, which in 1913 had been awarded the awesome franchise of creating money out of nothing and loaning it into existence, and has in the 100 years since its incorporation subsequently accumulated enough profit from this concession to buy up most of the worlds real estate, gold bullion and other assets while indebting us to them in the process to the tune of trillions of dollars! The present confiscatory tax rates that drove our corporations out of the U.S. to seek off-shore tax havens and the gigantuan national debt which burdens and enslaves the American people was therefore completely unnecessary and avoidable! America is also finding it increasingly harder to pay the interest on the national debt let alone pay off any of the principal, which it reportedly has not done in many decades. In fact, it is becoming more and more apparent that the debt can never be repaid! But to be sure thats the way the central banksters like it, as they can perpetually reap billions in interest on money that they created out of nothing but thin air! (Did anyone ever wonder where they got those trillions and trillions to loan us in the first place? Duh!) The continual raising of the debt limit, as we have again recently done, admittedly will artificially prolong the good times a little while longer but will also make worse the inevitable collapse on that bleakest of future days when the chickens come home to roost and financial Armageddon devastates America and the world! One must remember that although 90% of Americans largely belonged to an agrarian society and lived in a rural environment during the Great Depression, an estimated ten million souls are said to have never-the-less succumbed at that time due to starvation or illness related to a lack of adequate nutrition! Most of the population today works in cities and lives in suburbia and has come to rely upon a stable economy, and a reliable medium of exchange which makes possible an uninterrupted supply chain which allows for the refilling of their gas tanks and the continual re-stocking of store shelves for their sustenance. It is believed that the occurrence of another economic collapse under these circumstances would deliver a devastating blow, far surpassing that of the depression era, plunging America into mass starvation and anarchy and necessitating a martial law scenario and the creation of a police state to enforce it. In light of the fact that America must now borrow $125 Million each month to meet its obligations, Americans should ask themselves why any nation so fiscally bankrupt and whose tax base had been destroyed by layoffs and massive job losses and a considerable portion of its citizens relying upon government largesse for their very existence, would continue to embark upon expensive military adventurism in a bid for global empire or enact even more ambitious social programs which it can no longer afford. Laissez faire capitalism (a thing of the past which has been given a bum rap and not to be confused with todays corporatism) provided jobs for everyone, universal wealth, cheap and plentiful goods and unprecedented freedom, while socialism on-the-other-hand, which is praised and promoted by the establishment, always exhausts itself, bringing poverty, hardship, and oppression. There can be no doubt that this course, which can only end in a monumental disaster of Biblical proportions for America and its people, has been contrived. There is no other explanation! And this means that those in whom we have placed our trust have betrayed us! Perhaps those who would conspire to disarm us are the very ones harboring guilty consciences and a fear of retribution or justice! But the conquest, subversion and de-construction of our nation from within by our ideological enemies is another story altogether and shall have to be explored at another time.
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 23:16:48 +0000

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