Alumni Achievement Feature: Christolene Jo-Anne Wilson; Class of - TopicsExpress


Alumni Achievement Feature: Christolene Jo-Anne Wilson; Class of 1998 One of the most difficult things in life is to restart study after a gap of just a few years. Well how about restarting studies after 10 years? Christolene restart studies after almost 10 years after her matric year. She obtained her Diploma in Operating Room Practice earlier this year after two years of study. Christolene now works as an Operating Theatre Practitioner ( OTP ) at Medi-Clinic . As an OTP, she is critical for patience and surgeons during operations. Christolene never gave up making her dreams to come true and neither should you. Christolene’s exceptional endurance in life is a lesson to us all ... LB Alumni, never give up on your dreams Congratulation Christolene!!
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 15:34:52 +0000

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