Am I Hearing or Just Listening? Faith comes by hearing and - TopicsExpress


Am I Hearing or Just Listening? Faith comes by hearing and hearing (comes) by the Word (of God). Romans 10:17 When God speaks we receive nothing unless we “hear. Now what does this mean? To listen and to hear are two different realms of receiving. One version describes it as follows, “Faith comes from hearing (a thing heard) and WHAT IS HEARD comes by the Word (of God) - Akoe’ dia Rhema. So when you’re listening you only receive what brings life to you personally. A person who is NOT sick, listening to a message on healing, will not receive faith nearly as much from the message as the person who IS sick. How many times have we listened to someone speak (but we only hear certain things) and can actually repeat what we heard? And yet someone may repeat something else that the same speaker had said and your mind is a blank. Why didn’t we hear that? Because our spiritual ear only receives (hears) the sounds of faith that WE require. So if there is faith lacking in a certain area of your life, your spiritual ear hears only what will give your soul FAITH. Hearing is a specific realm that receives and retains faith. Rhema, which is “word” in the Greek, means “that which is spoken, declared…God breathed,” and this specific word carries faith to that area of your spiritual perception. You have eyes in your eyes and eyes in your ears. Spiritual perception is not limited to your eyes only. However, faith is the key to unlock further perception, insight, and foresight. Join me today for a Prophetic Workshop that will prepare you for what God’s Spirit revealed to me that He wants to release on June 14th at our massive Den broadcast/gathering. Don’t miss this because faith might just come to you and once you attain this, mountains are moved. That which was unlawful to utter ten, fifteen years ago is lawful to utter today. On Codebreakers, we will show prophetic secrets uttered years ago in 2009 about an acceleration in science that will be used for humanitys goodness and health, and how God will bring creativity forth, and resources so that many will live longer. You will also see what Sky News in England has called game-changing news in the field of medicine that is part of the fulfillment of these prophetic utterances. Todays broadcast (June 11th) will be LIVE online from 3PM PT/6PM ET/10PM GMT. You can join us at at the scheduled time. We will replay this event immediately following the LIVE broadcast.
Posted on: Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:43:43 +0000

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