Amazigh Amazigh are residents of North Africa before the Arab - TopicsExpress


Amazigh Amazigh are residents of North Africa before the Arab conquest of natives , because of their presence in North Africa to more than 20 thousand years , and their presence extends an offer from the city of Siwa in the east to the Canary Islands to the west , passing through Libya , Tunisia, Algeria , Morocco and Mauritania .. And length : the boundaries of the southern Mediterranean as far north as south -Saharan Africa , where Mali, Niger and Burkina Faso .. The population is currently more than 32 million people, 30 million of whom are stationed in their homeland North Africa and 2 million in the nine European countries, including France, Belgium, Spain and the Netherlands .. There are 21 people in the Egyptian town of Siwa , and several thousand are scattered in South America , especially Cuba .. According to the writings of the historian and sociologist Amazigh Ibn Khaldun , the proportions of the Amazigh back to the Amazigh Ben Canaan, the son of Ham the son of Noah , who inhabited North Africa after the flood , and the word Amazigh means free man has begotten Amazigh bin Kaanan and religion amputation and Barnes It is their offspring out of the Amazigh people , and denies Ibn Khaldun ratios Amazigh to Arab origin , they are the descendants of welding and Arab descendants of the Sam how can the Amazigh of Arab descent , and there are recent studies indicating that older people above the earth 32 people including the Amazigh , where it was not the Arabs had appeared to exist at the time. Most of the Amazigh Sunni Muslims , the doctrine of Imam Malik ibn Anas , and there is a minority Ibadhi one of teams Khawarij and minority Catholic - community Aldoonatih proportion to St. Donatus Amazigh founder of this thought - and a Jewish minority , and depends Muslims Amazigh - year Ibadhi - Tafsir Ibn Kathir Holy Quran for reasons ethnic , because Im much Amazigh , was a disciple of Imam Malik ibn Anas , and perhaps for this reason also embraces Muslims Amazigh Maliki school, and above ethnocentrism among Amazigh Ali religious sentiment , which caused them to numerous accusations shallowly religious affiliation, both for Islam or Christianity or Judaism , especially the Amazigh culture give priority to the legacy of the legislative Amazigh if conflicted with religious texts , for example , the Amazigh refuse to equate polygamy and inheritance between men and women .. Another example , the Christians Amazigh analyze divorce despite the fact that the law is anathema to Christianity , especially Catholicism , and this is due because the culture Alomazagh permit divorce and marry more than once. Celebrates the Amazigh people the night of January 13 Amazigh New Year and firing on this National Day Oskas amino means the New Year , and this is the feast months festive Berber at all, where is an official holiday in Morocco , Mauritania and the United Amazigh in Algeria , and this festival has a special ritual to celebrate , where held the night before Eid banquet and gather them parents and relatives , and consists banquet of popular dishes Amazigh , such as couscous with vegetables , honey, white figs , dried raisins , green tea , also offers turkey though submission is usually HCA taken Amazigh for the Romans , and is receiving guests Bokwab milk , and months of this ritual celebration set fire , which represents the light and the hope of Amazigh culture .. on the morning of the feast, festooned with women and men ,
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 00:59:06 +0000

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