Amazing product that works, it gives you the premium fuel your - TopicsExpress


Amazing product that works, it gives you the premium fuel your body is lacking. Lean muscle support, probiotics, energy, vitamins and minerals, boost the immune system and mind clarity, as well. As we live in a fast paced society, we dont have the time to eat a well balanced meal throughout the day. I am SO excited to share with you, what THRIVE can do for you. PLEASE, I ENCOURAGE YOU TO CALL TO HEAR A RECORDED MESSAGE REGARDING THRIVE: As a nurse I Genuinely care for people!! I was injured on the job in 2005, it took 5 years to recover from 2 neck surgeries, right rotator cuff repair and right transposition of my ulnar nerve. Finally, I was able to go into a different field of nursing,that didnt require any lifting, that included in home care and working at the State Prison in Still Water Minnesota. Then...2011 came and many symptoms started one right after the other again, even ending up in the hospital for 1 week with diagnosis of Colitis and C-diff (C-Diff is very contagious.) Then started having issues with my back, MRI revealed a cyst on my L4-5 on my spine. I had that removed, then it herniated. I had to have that area fused. At the same time my Right shoulder started hurting again, MRI found a 2nd tear in it. To jump in and take care of it a fast as I could. I decided to have back to back surgery. Having two back surgeries and another rotator cuff repair. I also lost the use of both of my arms and hands 3 months ago, due to both of the radial nerves in my upper arms was not functioning. After several tests it was concluded that it was not coming from my neck. Dr. said to sleep in recliner chair and keep off the nerve sites, until it was resolved, which took about 2 months +. Now sleeping in my bed comfortably. My husband and I also manage a small apartment complex in the Como area of St. Paul. During my struggles and trials He stepped up and picked up the slack around here, did the grocery shopping, laundry, took me to Dr. appointments, cooking and washing the dishes and his utmost worst thing in the world to do: vacuuming. (I LOVE THAT MAN). OK, finally health is resolving and feeling weak and fatigued. My Dr. started changing my medications around, and the fatigue was getting worse, I couldnt even do the simple tasks required on- site here. I was put in the position of weighing the risks and the benefits of my new medication changes. At one point I seriously thought I had Fibromyalgia, thats how tired and how my joints hurt. SO, In desperation I finally decided to give THRIVE an HONEST effort. HOLY SMOKES!!! This PRODUCT is simply AMAZING!!! I am up fulfilling my managerial role , I even constructed, painted, and filled a sand box for the little ones that live on site. I was shoveling per shovel keeping up with my husband, he he he. Yesterday morning I awoke expecting my arms and neck to be sore..Not even so! And that was without taking my prescribed medication from the Dr. I have been taking THRIVE since JULY 23RD, 2014. I can play with and run with my Grand Children, do all house hold chores, complete my job on-site.I am way down on soda pop consumption. And the list goes on! SO I INVITE YOU TO EXPERIENCE THRIVE, GO TO: Terrie3881.le-vel sign up as a customer (ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE). I will send you a fee sample in the mail for you to try! My question to you is, when was the last time you have spent $100.00 on yourself? Thank you for taking the time to read this! AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU AS HE HAS ME! Listen NOW! 530-881-1499 pin 137907#
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:11:22 +0000

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