Ambassador Girma Asmerom has perfected the dictators answer to - TopicsExpress


Ambassador Girma Asmerom has perfected the dictators answer to every inquiry: Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter accusations. It is cowardly to be in a position of power and be afraid to tell the truth. The truth is, young Eritreans are fleeing a system that has failed them. Dictatorship and shortsightedness has failed to create an economy that can support the peoples basic needs. Isaias Afeworkis dictatorship has weakened the Eritrean defense forces and is threatening its hard won national harmony. Anyone who cares about Eritrea need to make demands for change. Admitting mistakes and vowing to correct them is is a good start....
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 01:33:44 +0000

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