Amen Amen n Amen I extend my Prayer with a very pure n true heart - TopicsExpress


Amen Amen n Amen I extend my Prayer with a very pure n true heart that ALL Those who see, read this receive it in their hearts the excellence of love giving to us all by n from GOD.. The excellence I choose because its so perfect no one has ever bn so perfect than HE. God pls those reading this I need you to understand something right here right now that Ive tears rolling down my face right now as I am typing this not because Im sadden because Im soooooooo happy n pleased by HIS grace n mercy that has brought us through. It was HIS grace that carried us through the storm n kept us protective from it by sheltering our mind... think you couldve crazy However BUT GOD!!!! You couldve dead however your living BUT GOD!!!! You couldve bn beating down n I too know that feeling that comes in many forms physically mentally emotionally n yes Brothers n Sisters even spiritually BUT GOD!!! Take it from one who was there n no way am I ever ashamed to admit the dark Pitt I was in thinking I was loved so much by a man I thought loved me However during that time He immediately felt intimidated by my growth n progressive elevations of my faith. And by his own sepecitions he felt I must have seeing Someone else & falling in love. Honestly for once he was right however funny thing wrong at the same time about something keep reading Ill explain see..... whenever you find something usually its what some would consider by accident or Coincidence because you just so happen to come n stumble across it. However when youre out seeking which is more valuable than looking whenever youre out seeking something someone better that you know is out there waiting to be seek you will find. So I did n found HIM to be thee absolutely more marvelous n valuable everything in my life. Yes I immediately fell in love and have bn in love every since that day JESUS met me half way Ive no doubt in my mind- body- soul & spirit that HE saw after me. Not like the love/ lust of a Man n Woman that they see through their own eyes Im talking about that of LOVE the kind thats genuine the pureness of real true love which is everlasting & unconditionally n then some. So u see he was right to be concerned about my love for someone else because yes indeed I had falling in love with JESUS shame on him for having never really knowing who he lost me too because he didnt stick around to long after to ever find out BUT GOD!!! Im sure he knows now. And when God gets ready to elevate you to the next level HE gives you n your guest free boarding passes so youve to be wise youve on your team so God equipped me with a GOD fearing husband to carry me, be a helpmate that we would indeed be fit for ea other in HIS eyes so therefore God begin to mode you into a new creation he dont just do it for you HE does it for those that are connected to you do know that, when HE begin to bless you HE in turn blesses those connection to your faith circle n yes truth must be spoken the circle at times may seem small thats ok.... Two ppl joining hands the right way can indeed form a circle. And Gods Word says whenever HE didnt say sometimes half of the time a current time of the day noon or night HE said WHENEVER two or three join together in my name I WILL COME IN THE MIDST OF IT. (Circle complete) sing these words softly right here go *So no matter your situation that comes........ your way.... just know..... by faith Im going to be ok even when it seems too hard to bare know this isnt rare you must go through for GOD knows..... and (elevate your voice)... right here go HE WILL see you through PRAISE comes to those who believe... faith comes to those who is faithful grace comes to those who havent given up so dont give up dont give in your almost there hes reaching out HIS hands to you to grab ahold extend your prayers thats whats going to allow you to reach closer to HIM JUST BELIEVE THAT like I believe in you, You too will go far. GOD LOVES YOU I LOVE YOU BE BLESSED ALL KIM AMEN
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 05:59:41 +0000

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