Americas Engineered Decline........ By Frosty - TopicsExpress


Americas Engineered Decline........ By Frosty Wooldridgerense/general68/americasengineered.htm NewsWithViews 11-7-5 For the past two centuries, Americas middle class thrived. It bulwarked the foundation of our liberties and became the envy of the world. Today, because of Congressional-sponsored insourcing, offshoring, outsourcing along with FTAA, CAFTA, NAFTA and other corporate tools, Americans find themselves joining the race to the bottom. In his laser-piercing book, AMERICAS ENGINEERED DECLINE, William Norman Grigg, editor of the New American, said, Even as our nation exports jobs that once opened the door to the middle class, we are importing waves of unskilled immigrants, including millions of illegals. No longer our protector, our political elite schemes to merge our country with other nations of this hemisphere into a continent-spanning socialist mega-state modeled after the European Union. The glitch to melding America to failed Third World economies and people-- illustrated by Mexico and all of Central America-becomes apparent when a First World country becomes meshed with horrific poverty, crime, illiteracy and diseases injected into itself. Its a recipe for national suicide. Grigg spells Americas decline with exacting clarity. He quotes Colorado Congressman Tom Tancredo who echoes Griggs conclusions, We are undergoing a radical change in our national character and social structure, not to mention language, and it shouldnt be allowed to happen without at the very least the informed consent of the public. I am among those who believe that it shouldnt be allowed to happen, period-and thats the majority view, which is probably why its being done by stealth and misdirection. Grigg presents cogent examples why Americans sweat over their countrys future. America suffers growing consequences in every sector-mirroring the corruption seen in Third World countries. Instead of our Congress adhering to the Constitution, a majority march to the beat of a different drummer with a social experiment much like what Lenin, Stalin and Khrushchev forced on Russia. The Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement will go down in the history books as the beginning of the end of Americas middle class. Were basically liquidating our whole middle class, polarizing people on the two extremes, haves and have-notswell be a third world country, said Roger Chastain. With complicity from Congress, mega corporate interests de-industrialize the USA with every action that moves jobs overseas or imports this 21st century slave labor into America with H-1B, H-2B, L-1 and other visas. Were killing ourselves, laments Jerry Skoff, owner of a Wisconsin manufacturing firm. Were being reduced from a manufacturing and hi-tech economy into a service economy-and if things continue the way they are, the service sector will eventually go the same direction. Last week, the Senate, after tens of thousands of faxes and calls to stop the extra 350,000 H-1B visas from Senate Bill 1932, voted 84 to 14 against American workers. Well now enjoy not only 350,000 foreign workers taking our jobs, but we get their families, too. It shows you the extent of 84 senators bought off by corporations.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:36:48 +0000

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