Amir Rasheed: AsSalaamualaikum Sir!!! If you may expound, from a - TopicsExpress


Amir Rasheed: AsSalaamualaikum Sir!!! If you may expound, from a friend of ours question: From Ceasar A. Bridges Peace Brother Amir(Minister Rasul). If you please. Why did the Honorable Elijah Muhammad sometimes wear a Fez similar to that worn by the moors? Also, if this is a Muslim head covering, I never see any other believers wearing it. Pardon me for my ignorance. Rasul Muhammad: To my very Dear brother Amir Rasheed and the question raised by brother Ceasar A. Bridges. To ask about the significance of anything is wonderful! Ignorance is not asking about things we do not have a conprehensive knowledge in. In a conversation with my Mother this morning, i asked her if she recalls anything significant from my Father with regard to the significance of him wearing the fez. We could not recall specifically much other than the fact that he did at times wear a taller vez earlier on simular to the vez worn by the Turks, Masons and as worn by Noble Drew Ali and our Moorish Science brothers. Later we see a shorter vez resembling the Pakistanian cultural fez. I would not say that the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad wore the vez as a religious symbol as he did not teach religion in a secular sense. He was however, scientific in his aproach to everything. We can see the vez worn at different hights by the Pope of the Catholic Church which is moré than likely rooted in the high priests and Pharoes of ancient Egypt. We also find a likeness to the high vez worn by Chefs when cooking. In some cultures the hight of the vez may symbolize both royalty, rank or the degree of wisdom acquired by the person wearing it. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad did state once how the Masons scientific knowledge or wisdom is limited to 33 degrees where Islam is 360 degrees of knowledge making it a far more advanced and complete universal science.. which is ISLAM. A degree of knowledge determines your degree of activity and the extent to which you can build your civilization. The Masons use the symbols of the compus/circle and the square. When we graduate from High School and College we see these Masónic symbols in the altered vez or hat on our heads bearing a square on top symbolizing that the graduate has mastered the study course and should be able to function within the limits of the degree of knowledge given. Because Masonry and Its secret societies only displayed like a riddle throughout European designed societies in mathematical codes and symbols that only those with a degree of this knowledge can decode and reap the benefits of the wealth inherent in this wisdom. We have been given and enrolled into the study of 360 degrees of scientific wisdom required to reflect the GOD Potential as men in flesh and blood. The vez adorned with the Sun, Moon and Stars worn by the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad in his later years among us represented that he had become a Master himself in the Supreme Wisdom of Master Fard Muhammad by wisdom.. GOD in Person. :-) #shareRASUL
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 22:12:00 +0000

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