Among my best friends, many of them are Americans and I sincerely - TopicsExpress


Among my best friends, many of them are Americans and I sincerely love them and their families. As a European, I will never forget how America saved us from the brown pest during WW2 and from the red pest during the Cold War ! How could we not be greatly thankful for our present freedom and untapped values because of your countrymen that helped us in dark days ? I do share the ideal of free Entreprise that led the pioneers of your nation from the early days to present. I am proud of Lafayette as well as Dominique de Villepin ( the French prime Minister who opposed intervention in Irak at the U.Ns Council ), both loved America and Americans. I am definitively an old European as would say George W. Bush... I dont see fire arms as a way of life but as a way of death. I do not like a lone sherif who own his prisoners and who is the law in his town. Joseph Arpaio and his kind in my eyes is way more dangerous than most of their inmates. I do not see death penalty as a meaningful judicial response. Imagining one or two Air Marshalls in a commercial plane make me very uncomfortable so I would rather not fly U.S. Airlines. And so on... I do not like to see cops shooting at unarmed citizens just because the system allows it, extending self defense way, way beyond what a calm and trained officer should exercise. I need more civilized ways to enforce the law to feel safe and protected in my living country. September 11 unleashed a form of revenge that is not in compliance with evolution. Justice was designed to prevent revenge, replace Talions law with something more elaborate. At the time of Irak I was telling my American friends that there were no terrorists in this country and that Ben Laden was to be blamed, not the Baas regime of Bagdad. When I see the turmoil in the region, Daesh and other radical and terrorist Islamic movements I wonder which part have to do with unwise politics after the terrorist attack on your soil ? What is done is done, and if radical Israelis and Republicans had their part in the present situation, we have to fight back against the croissant pest with our fellow American friends as we we were united against the brown and red pests in the past. But there is nothing we - your friends my fellow Americans - can do about your own internal affairs, When I see how many colored people go to jail ( in %age of the selected group ) I do think the U.S. Model is about to collapse. We might be an old continent with weak ways of thinking, but brutal response cannot always be an answer to all challenges. What has a great nation have to gain in torturing terrorist or in humiliating its own countrymen emprisoned for law offenses ? We all love the American motion picture industry ; so remember the famous quote : Dont be dragged by the dark side of the force. 😉
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 06:02:25 +0000

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