"Amy Astalos My 1 month testimony About 2 years ago I realized I - TopicsExpress


"Amy Astalos My 1 month testimony About 2 years ago I realized I had a serious problem with anxiety and depression. This isn’t something that developed 2 years ago, I just didn’t realize it until them. From what I know now and what I can remember I have been dealing with anxiety and depression for most of my life, I know that I definitely dealing with it from at least age 12 and on, possibly even younger. My parents thought that I was just a spoiled rotten kid. I would do things that even as I was doing them felt horrible for but I couldn’t stop myself. 2 years ago one of the girls I work with was listening to me talk about a fight I had with my mother and said that it really sounded like I had anxiety. After an incident at work left me feeling dizzy, hard to breath, and extremely angry over basically nothing I knew that there had to be something wrong. Of course, I was scared to admit what could be wrong so I did nothing. Then one night my fiancé and I were going to meet at a new restaurant. I got there before him and had no idea how busy they were going to be. When I saw all the cars and all the people, I couldn’t move. I sat in my car and cried for 10 minutes before I could do anything. This is when I realized that I couldn’t be scared of what was wrong, I had to do something about it. I went to my doctor and was diagnosed with anxiety/depression. My doctor put me on Paxil, which was horrible when I first started taking it. I had all sort of side effects and my doctor told me it was just my body getting used to the medication. The worst side effect I had like my skin was just going to melt off me. After 4 months the side effects finally went away and I felt great!!! I couldn’t believe how much I was suffering and didn’t even know it. Now we fast forward to 9 months after taking the medication. I started having really bad nightmares and about 3 weeks later they turned into night terrors. They had gotten so bad that I fought going to sleep because I was terrified. I constantly drank mountain dew and energy drink to stay awake. My fiancé was worried but also upset because every time I would go to sleep I was kicking him and making noises. Finally I went back to my doctor and said I needed to get off the medication. Of course with that kind of medication you are supposed to wean yourself off it, but I couldn’t stand to put it in my body anymore, I just stopped taking it all together. I had worse side effects from stopping like that and then once my body finally got it all out of my system, I noticed the anxiety/depression so much more than before. I got those few months of living normally so when that was taking away from me it was so much worse than before I knew what was wrong. I looked for all sorts of natural ways to help it, but nothing really worked until I found Plexus. Joy McMillan told me that it would help with anxiety/depression, I don’t usually try products that have anything to do with losing weight because there are so many scams out there. I was extremely skeptical, but I was so desperate to get my anxiety/depression under control I decided to do a 7 day trial. The very first day of drinking Plexus Slim I saw a huge change in my anxiety, by the 3 day I saw the change in my depression. Then by day 5 I met with Joy McMillan to sign up as an ambassador. I still have my up and down days just like anybody else, but knowing how bad my anxiety/depression can be it is 95-99% better with Plexus. That’s not even all Plexus has done for me. When I was 16 I weighed 105 pounds and then I got in a car accident. I messed both my ankles up really bad, I was in a wheelchair for 2 months, crutches for 2 more months and then a boot for a couple more months after that. My cartilage in my ankles is basically gone what is left is deteriorating and gets stuck in between my bones and everything else. For this reason I’m not allowed to run, jump, or pretty much exercise in any way other than in a pool. I started gaining weight, 10 years later I was up to 220 pounds. I didn’t lose any weight in my first week of Plexus, but in my second week I started losing. Now a month after Plexus I have lost 16 pounds, I am down to 204!!!! With my injury I had accepted the fact that I will never look like I use to, now I know I may not get that small but I will not always be overweight and uncomfortable with myself."
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:25:59 +0000

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