An American resolute response to an article pleading with USA and - TopicsExpress


An American resolute response to an article pleading with USA and the world community to support Iranians struggle for freedom and a just , secular society>:: Good Morning, In response to your article, I would like to point out some glaring omissions by asking some basic questions. First, the Iranian people have an objective but they don’t have a Leader. The reasons are equally obvious. The Leader would be put under “house arrest” or eliminated immediately as they were in the past. If the Iranian people want to make a change in their government, where is their courage to do so. Instead they blame the World (USA) for not doing it for them. What help can any Country give to another, if that Country does not have the will power. And, without the will, what hope of success. And, without any hope of success, why would the World (USA) get involved. The people of Iran raised up against their Leader(s) and are now not satisfied with what they ended up with. What guarantee does the World (USA) have that, after another revolution, that Iranians (or the World) will be happy with what they end up with the next time? You want the support of the World knowing that you can’t and wouldn’t give the world any guarantees much less returned support. You ask that the USA speak out in support of “some” Iranian voices many of which or not in support of the USA. The words of the USA and the World to the Iranian regarding their Nuclear intentions have fallen upon deaf ears. Why would anyone think that their words of support for a change in the government would be heard. Our words would be hollow if not backed up with intent of armed support. From an American prospective, this sounds like an attempt to put a fire out by throwing gasoline on the fire. Tell me again, what is the American interest here? What would America gain? Why is it America’s problem? What difference would it make to the average American? Why should their taxes dollars to spent correcting a problem and Iranian people created, wanted and lack the courage to stand against their oppressive government? Where are the voices of commitment from the Iranian community for their support of American? Where are the cries of outrage for Iranian support for terrorism. I have supported many marches for Iranian freedom but not a single one as an outcry against this terrorism Iran known to have done and has supported. If you want to solve the problem you are having, fix it yourself. You can start by finding an Iranian with true courage that other Iranians and the World will stand behind. Otherwise, your song of distress is only meant to be heard by the choir. Just an American point of view.
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 14:41:46 +0000

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