An Enduring Expectation Job 19:25–27 “I know that there - TopicsExpress


An Enduring Expectation Job 19:25–27 “I know that there is someone to defend me and that he lives! And in the end, he will stand here on earth and defend me. After I leave my body and my skin has been destroyed, I know I will still see God. I will see him with my own eyes. I myself, not someone else, will see God. And I cannot tell you how excited that makes me feel!” In his lengthy philosophical poem “An Essay on Man,” Alexander Pope attempted to lay out a system of ethics and comment on the relationship between God and man. A cynical approach to life had taken over much of Europe that downplayed the importance of religion and belief in God. In response, Pope wrote a powerful defense of faith and the power of eternal things. Included were these well-known words: Hope springs eternal in the human breast; ~ Man never is, but always to be blessed: ~ The soul, uneasy and confined from home, ~ Rests and expatiates in a life to come. The world in which we live is filled with evil forces that attack everything that is good. But just as Alexander Pope realized nearly three hundred years ago, this world is not the end—we have an eternity to come where God will triumph and evil will be completely and finally destroyed. All of us go through dark days. We get bad news from the doctor, we have economic reversals and hard times, or we find that friends we thought were reliable have turned against us. When things are hard for us, the temptation is to lose hope. The night before His crucifixion, Jesus told the disciples: John 14:1 Jesus Comforts His Followers “Jesus said, “Don’t be troubled. Trust in God, and trust in me.” They were about to face the most difficult challenge of their lives, and Jesus talked to them about preparing a place in Heaven for them and returning for His children. God does not promise that we will avoid hardship, but He does promise that our future is secure. GOD BLESS, AND KEEP LOOKING UP AND LISTENING FOR THE SHOUT, YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH. JAMES 5:8: “You must be patient too. Never stop hoping. The Lord is coming soon.”
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 13:27:59 +0000

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