An Enemy That Knows the Future Cant Lose -- Edge of Tomorrow I - TopicsExpress


An Enemy That Knows the Future Cant Lose -- Edge of Tomorrow I went to the movies yesterday and watched this film starring Tom Cruise and it was interesting. Now for most of you who see my post on FB or know me in the flesh...know that I have to put a Brown Lens to this film. While minus all of the action in the film...the film touch on one thing that should resonate with these so-call RBG digital groups via the internet. The above statement, An Enemy That Knows The Future Cant Lose. Since we are behind enemy lines in a very real sense (society, finances, institution building, relationships, education, politics, etc) we cannot expect to claim victory over our historical and cultural enemies if Spirit is not the guiding principle. When I say Spirit I am referring to the Self, Our Ancestors, and The Oneness that binds us All. The reason why Tom Cruise character kept repeating the same day (besides the Killing the Alpha Mimic) is because our Historical Culture Enemy knows what we are going to do before we do it! We are systematically controlled by emotions. With all of the injustices that have occurred with our people just within the last 3 years and you have been a witness to via FB or Internet Sites...we are easy to predict in Raising our Voice (Rhetoric, Marching, Looting, Sitting on our Hands, Demonstrations, Night Stick Licks from the Police, Crying on Television etc) but we lack the testicular/ovarian fortitude to get things done and abandon this Amerikkkan project that we are desperately seeking to synchronize with. You cannot expect to get justice from a group of people and their institutions if their premise is lawlessness/chaotic (absence of order/structure)?! The only way to secure justice is to kill the Omega (in the movie). You have to go to the source and as Malcolm X once are afraid to bleed. What you should keep in mind that as long you support the enemy in is his will always be a victim. If you ever read the story of Ausar (Kemetic story) you would understand that you cannot play Sets game on his terms and expect victory. Set has to be taken out in another way...Wisdom has to be the guiding principle to victory. The only way Black folks will achieve victory in this country or anywhere else in the we have to divorce ourselves from the many distracting facets of Amerikka life. Being spiritually and culturally centered is a start in the right direction. Stop allowing yourself to get caught up emotionally by the very REAL distractions that doesnt allow you to tap into your true SELF. You have to silence the brain in its activity and allow the emergence of your Higher Intelligence to rule and govern your thinking and actions. The enemy has our people pigeon-hole because we allow ourselves to stay in the hole while complaining about being in the hole...INSANITY! I know most of you want to stay informed on what is new, hot, latest trends, issues of injustice but I tell you...the biggest injustice is not KNOWING YOUR SELF!!! Ok...let me get back to the when killing an Alpha mimic and you die in the process...the blood of that mimic and the death of you fuses together and as a result the time and the space continuum is repeated (Glitch. in the Matrix). On the Mimic side they are able to see their enemy moves before it taken and on the human side the potential same thing occurs but the difference is humans will have Visions. On the mimic side they witness the lost of control (edge) over their enemy. Let me ask the question: How did the Haitian Revolution of the 1700s beat the French??? The Loas! (Research) The only way to beat your Historical and Cultural Enemies who only knows how to use the 3D platform as their chief reference to raise up your frequency/vibration! That is their greatest fear! These Institutional Parasites who flirt with your ancient stories are not invested in elevating their character and conduct....they are more concern with the here and now. The lack of Spirit is their Edge of Tomorrow and that they cannot grasp it in their reality because their limited Power of the Illusion and Control would be over! Happy Sunday....raise up your solar energy and take flight. Peace PS: How do you expect to go through a means that you dont control?! Thats like getting raped and having an orgasm! --Steve Cokely
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 13:42:41 +0000

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