An Eternal Evil continued… #TheCorsair “It won’t take - TopicsExpress


An Eternal Evil continued… #TheCorsair “It won’t take long.” The Doctor says as he sees a city in the distance. “After that we’ll go wherever you want.” Does it hurt?” She asked, nervously. Thinking about this for a moment the Doctor pauses. “No it’ll be fine I promise. Ahead of them, only a few metres away they see a one path. It is dark red and smooth and the Doctor observes that the path leads directly to the city. “What kinds of things can we do here?” Donna asks as they follow the path. “Oh there’s anti gravity tennis, quantum theatre where characters can be in several places at once, Holographic and hard light Rollercoaster’s. This planet has thousands of things to do. Getting closer to the city Donna sees a group congregating on the path ahead. Doctor look.” Donna says, pointing towards them. “What do you think is going on?” Seeing that the group is large the Doctor decides to travel closer and investigate. “I don’t know. Let’s find out. “ Walking over they see a variety of humanoids clustered behind a man who is bald and has a third eye at the centre of his forehead. He was wearing tan robes and was reasonably tall. “Welcome to Cloraxia. Today, as your tour guide I will take you to one of our main cities that is called Murmilia.” He said in a light and calm tone. Doctor can we go with them?” Donna whispered. “Alright we could see where they are going.” The Doctor replied, grinning. Hugging him ecstatically Donna exclaims, “This planet is amazing!” Letting go they both looked on as the guide continues to speak. As he speaks Donna curiously looks around at the other alien humanoids. In front of her there are three green, almost luminescent gelatinous aliens. “I know what you mean.” They heard a voice say next to them. As they turn around they see a strange dark purple humanoid with insect like features on its face looking at them. Eyes like a human’s that were blue except they were a little wider, alien’s face was covered by an exoskeleton just like a Lobster. The rest of the alien’s body was like looking at a humans skin except the fact that it was dark blue “It my first time to this planet too.” Startled by this, Donna just stands there in silence while the Doctor starts to strike up conversation. “Really?” He replies grinning at her. Putting out his hand he forward he shakes her hand “Nice to meet you. I’m the Doctor and this is Donna.” The alien pauses for a moment, in consideration then replies, “Nice to meet you both, I am Chitaria.” The alien says. Turning to Donna after Chitaria is finished he nudges her gently “Donna this is a member of a great race of Diplomats known as the Buzutari who live on a distant planet called Golmor. They are responsible for handling all matters regarding intergalactic alliance between races and are apart of an intergalactic Committee. I am honored to meet you Chitaria. On my planet my people spoke highly of yours.” The Doctor replies back “ So what is a Buzutarian woman doing on a planet so far from home?” He asked inquisitively. There was a pause before she spoke. During that time Donna studied her with intrigue. “ Thought I should travel somewhere new.” Chitaria replied as she began to smile. “I came here to do something different, I…” she said as her voice slowly trailed off. She stepped back a few steps, seemingly startled by something. “It was good to meet you both.” She said as she left hurriedly into the crowd, leaving the Doctor and Donna behind. Frowning Donna looked at the Doctor. “What was all that about.” She asked him in confusion. “If you would all please follow me I will take you to the cities entrance.” They heard the tour guide up the front of the crowd say. “I don’t know but what ever it was she was scared.” He said frowning with a serious look on his face. Walking to the city gates the Doctor and Donna look up as they see tall towering crystals above them. “ For millions of years the Cloraxians have relied on the energy from suns and crystal energy conversion to survive. Our distant cousin species long lost in time and our closest ally, the Timelords helped us build our society.” The Guide said as they walked through huge crystal gates that shut behind them. Hearing a strange whirring sound Donna turns around as the guide continues to speak. Seeing a strange energy envelope the city. “What’s that for?” she asks the Doctor. Turning around to look at her he whispers, “ Donna a few times in the past Cloraxia has been under threat by a few races. That force field is both protection and a perception filter designed to cloak the city.” He says as the guide starts to walk down a wide street filled with teleport bays, coffee shops as well as various dwellings all made of transparent crystal. “Come on let’s find Chitaria and find out what’s wrong.” The Doctor said as he moved further into the group. “Doctor Wait!” Donna exclaims as she hurries after him… Seeing the Doctor stop almost a few metres ahead of her. Donna walks over and sees that he is talking to the three gelatinous aliens she had encountered before. “Blaarg Skiit Ishtar belungar.” The Doctor replies, seeing she is watching him curiously. “Ah Donna theses are junoloshians from the planet Julon. Holding out a green slimy hand that had four fingers, the alien in the middle gestured to shake her hand. There is a pause for a moment as Donna apprehensively raises her right hand and shook the aliens hand it felt slimy and at first Donna was disgusted a little. Pulling her hand away she walked a few steps back. “Hello.” She said as she looked into their luminescent green eyes. “They were just telling me they saw Chitaria run off and leave the crowd somewhere. She apparently went that way.” Said the Doctor as he pointed toward a street on their left that had a whole line of stores and there were Cloraxians everywhere in the crowded street. “Come on, let’s find her.” The Doctor replied as he grabbed Donna’s right hand. Leading her down the street Donna could not help but watch in amazement as in front of her eyes she saw Cloraxians and other aliens socializing on a scale that was unlike anything she had scene before. No one spoke and yet they all seem to laugh at unknown jokes or just stand there, in silence staring at each other. ”Doctor, what’s going on?” She asked, gesturing to everyone in the street. Pausing for a moment the Doctor looks at her smiling. ”Oh the Cloraxians a telepathic. Like the Ood but far more advanced. Their third eye is like a biometric transmitter that blasts that psychic wavelength towards the person they are trying to communicate with. “ Said the Doctor as they passed by a group of Cloraxian women who where laughing about something. Donna saw that there were three of them. The women all wore dark blue silk robes embroidered with strange symbols that Donna didn’t recognize. One of the women was tall, standing at around five foot ten and had black silky hair that fell to her shoulders. Seeing that Donna is watching them she smiles and waves. Is there any crime on Cloraxia?” she asks as they approach an intersection to another part of the street. “Crime? Don’t be so daft, why would there be? They are all telepathically linked.” Donna taken aback looks at him, stunned a little by his bluntness. “Oi, you better watch it Space Man!” “Sorry Donna I only meant that the Cloraxians are peaceful. They live longer than humans and being telepathically linked all the time means they form closer bonds with each other. Any culture, no matter how warlike is treated with respect and understanding. Besides if aggressive aliens think anything bad, Cloraxian authorities will simply lock them away in a holding cell and teleport them back to their own home world.” The Doctor replied, just as they see a graveyard. “Besides that they are also great healers because all that psychic power is channeled into a sick person or injured to make them better. Walking down the street they both encounter a group of men wearing black robes with hoods. Shoving passed them the hooded figures continue on in silence. “Watch it!” The Doctor calls out as they walk away. “Doctor, there she is.” says Donna, pointing to a figure that is slowly walking off. Turning left the figure disappears around a corner. “She can’t have gone far, She’s scared the Doctor replies as they make it to the end of the street. I wonder what scared her? The Doctor thought while they both spotted her pacing up and down the street, shaking her head at something unknown. ”Chitaria what’s wrong?” The Doctor asks as they approach her slowly. Looking agitated she gazed at them then ran off in a frantic panic. “Stay away from me! “ She cried out sobbing. “Chitaria stop. We want to help you.” The Doctor said in a gentle tone. Moments later she stopped running and just stood there in front of them. It was many minutes before she turned and ran back toward them. Doctor I need your…” She said as her voice trailed off. Collapsing to the ground Chitaria starts to writhe in agony. “Argh! Don’t do this please!” Feeling faint yet curious Dona steps toward her slowly. “What’s wrong with…” Donna says her voice trailing off slowly as well. “Doctor I feel… Something’s…” After that Donna drops to her knees behind him and passes out. The Doctor preoccupied with examining Chitaria at first doesn’t notice. “Donna now’s not the time. Come and help me. Donna?” Turning around the Doctor sees Donna lying on the ground unconscious. Running over to her the he checks her pulse and heart beat with his stethoscope. Grabbing it from his brown pinstriped jacket he slowly applies it to the chest. Hearing her heart beat and that she is breathing normally he stands up and looks around. The surrounding street is quiet and still. “Ok two people unconscious. No idea why. Come on Doctor think, think!” Rubbing his right hand through his hair for a moment he stops as an idea starts to come to his head, almost as if someone had punched him square in the face. Stepping backward as if stunned his eyes widen. ”Of course! Think! All this time it has been at me, right under my nose.” Says the Doctor as he starts to clasp his hands around his face. He pauses in silence as he begins to breathe deeply in order to concentrate. Relaxed now the Doctor starts to remember what had just happened. If anyone can hear me I need your help. Two people I know are unconscious and have been that way because of something I don’t know about. Please help. The Doctor thought as he walked over to Chitaria’s motionless body o the ground. Kneeling down again, with extreme care and focus the Doctor gently clasps his hands around her face. Closing his eyes he tries to enter her mind. For a minute or two he continues his journey through the darkness of her mind, opening mental doors and trying to find or give her a message. While he does this, the Doctor comes up against a locked door with big and heavy metal locks painted black. Trying to open in gently the Doctor pauses for a moment. “Haha the Doctor still playing mental games with those he meets.” A deep voice calls out behind him. Turning around the Doctor tries to see through the dark mists of Chitarias mind but all is still and quiet. “Show yourself!” The Doctor calls out through the dark. Waiting for what seems like minutes the Doctor starts to become impatient “Is that it?” he asks in an antagonistic tone “All talk and yet not brave enough to face me? Do you want to be remembered as a coward? Show yourself!” The Doctor yells, pacing in front of the door. In time we shall Doctor and your time will run out.” The voice replied back. ”Now leave her, this is our domain.” Moments later the Doctor hears a loud crackling sound from the black mist surrounding him. The ground beneath him starts to rumble and he is thrown of balance. Waking up after entering her mind he finds himself lying on the floor. Stunned for a moment he lies there, listening for anyone around them. Deciding to stand up the Doctor looks at where Chitaria had been lying on the ground but sees no one there. “Chitaria?” He calls out looking around him and seeing Donna still unconscious just ahead of him. Where could she have gone? He thought as he continued to search for her. Hearing footsteps behind him, the doctor turns. Standing there in front of him is Chitaria. “Doctor.” She replies as she slowly walks towards him. Watching her approach the Doctor sees there is something strange about her. “Where have you been?” He asks frowning. Then he sees it. Chitaria’s eyes are a misty white colour. As she comes closer he also sees that her movement appears to be more rigid than normal. “Soon we shall be one again in this scheme. Together as a team, we shall rise!” she replies as she points over to Donna who is now standing behind him. Turning his head he sees that she too has the same coloured eyes and an expressionless look on her face. ”Listen I don’t know who and what you are but you have just made a serious mistake coming between me, Donna and Chitaria. If you don’t let them go, I swear to you there will be nothing you can do to stop me from destroying you!” the Doctor said as he walked slowly over towards Donna. “This is only the beginning. Donna replies in a deep voice. Collapsing, Donna falls to the floor. “Donna!” the Doctor yelled as he dived over to help her. “What, what did I? Chitaria asks behind him, confused and disoriented. “Not now!” He replies as he tries to pick up Donna. Moments later Chitaria walks over and helps the Doctor to carry her. “Aw she’s heavy.” The Doctor said as he sees Chitaria grab Donna’s left arm. Looking at him incredulously she starts to frown. “What happened to her? ”Chitaria asked as they lifted her arms over their shoulders. “I don’t know Chitaria.” The Doctor said as they made it to the end of the street. They see three people walking towards them wearing tan and red crested silk robes. “ Were you the man who needs help?” The woman in the middle of the group asks them. She had long shiny and wavy brown hair that came to just underneath her shoulders and green eyes. Pausing for a moment the Doctor considers the situation. “Yes.” He replied. “My friend has had a bad case of a psychic illness.” Frowning and looking at them she pauses, seemingly in contemplation. “Malyord, Kimura we should help them she is unconscious. Clearly a bad case.” Walking over the two blonde male Cloraxians step forward. As they came closer the Doctor saw that one of them men was shorter than the other and he walked with a grounded confidence in his step. By contrast the other male was a little taller, had grey eyes and seemed a little more cautious as he approached. “Right, we are more than happy to take you to the city’s hospital where our doctors can run some tests on her and try and diagnose and heal her mind.” The shorter man said as he looked at the Doctor, his brown eyes emanating concern. “My name is Malyord what’s yours?” He asked looking at the Doctor and at Chitaria inquisitively. “I’m the Doctor and this is Chitaria.” He replies, in an anxious tone. When the Doctor finishes speaking both of the men’s eyes start to twinkle a little. Smiling now the pair look at each other for a moment. Nodding to each other they turn briefly to look at the female again. “Tiri did you here that?” The other man asks. Starting to smile she walks up to the Doctor and hugs him. Stunned, The Doctor begins to frown at her in confusion ”How many years has it been?” She asks him. Looking at her the Doctor started to remember. Pausing he tries to piece together where he had heard her name before. This went on for a minute or two until he remembered meeting her when he was thirty years old as a kid. He was sent there by the Academy of the Time lords to gain understanding of their history and to gain understanding of their relationship with their allies. The Daleks were non-existent then and that held the universe in a peaceful state as the ancient races watched and observed other races across the universe. Starting to smile he remembers the day he met Tiri and how they both spent days learning together and having their own little adventures. “It’s so good to see you.” Tiri said, looking into his eyes. There is a long pause between them as the Doctor is still shocked that he met an old friend of his. “Doctor we should keep going.” Chitaria replied next to him anxiously as she started to struggle under Donna’s weight. Looking wobbly as if she were about to collapse. There is a slight awkward pause after that as Tiri steps away slowly. “You are right Chitaria. “ Tiri said, watching her with concern. “You seem to need help?” Maylord asks as he moves over towards Chitaria along with Kimura. Nodding Chitaria lets them both take Donnas arms over their shoulders and started to walk forward. “The Hospital’s this way.” Maylord replied as they all walked towards an intersection on the street. Turning left they saw a huge Dome that had the Green moon symbol on it. “So how old are you now?” Tiri asked him nervously as they walked passed people in the street. Looking at her, his eyes a mixture of sadness and fear he paused. ”Nine hundred and four.” He replied, averting his gaze from her when he finished speaking. “Oh…. Yes it has been a long time.” She said awkwardly, the expression on her face slowly changing from curiosity to concern. Falling silent they both followed Maylord toward the entrance of the hospital” “How old are you?” The Doctor asks her as they all stop out the front. There are a few stairs between them and the entrance Doorway. “Nine hundred and eight.” Tiri replied, pausing for a brief second as a crowd on people walk toward the entrance. “Ah the tourist group has arrived. “You made it just in time. I’ll be your tour guide for this part of the tour as we look into one of the most advanced therapies in the universe. Excuse me while I finish this conversation and we’ll continue. Feel free to go inside and have a look around the main foyer.” Watching them walk inside the Doctor sees the big glass doors slide open. Turning back to Tiri after the tourists have gone he starts to think. “So you’re a Doctor now?” He asks her as they walk up the stairs. “Yes” She replies. Going through the doors the six of them walk into a brightly light foyer with a tall ceiling towering above them. It’s glass panels allowing the stars rays to glide gently downward, revealing a yellow and purple floor. Off to their left the Doctor sees a ramp that leads onto the other seven floors above. “Well this is as far as I can go.” Tiri said as she led the Doctor and Chitaria toward Maylord and Kimura who are both waiting patiently at a reception desk in front of them. The Doctor seeing that Donna is still unconscious says his goodbyes to Tiri and beckons Chitaria to follow him. “Come with me? “ asks the Doctor, turning around to face her. As the Doctor looks into her eyes he sees a mixture of curiosity, confusion and apprehension painted across her face. There is a pause as she considers the option, looking at the tourists and then back at the Doctor. ”I think I want to see what’s wrong with Donna. I mean you two, both strangers. I know for a fact that this all started again when I saw you. The look that Tiri gave you was like she had seen a ghost. What did she mean? Nine hundred and four you said, and you don’t even look that old.” Chitaria replied as she tried to piece it all together in her head. “I’m not going to read your mind because that would be wrong. You’re not Appalapachian because they only live five hundred years yet judging by how fast you run…. Do you have a third eye and are Cloraxian?” She asks, her mouth wide open in anticipation. Shaking his head then, he begins to grin jubilantly. Then the realisation sunk in and she stepped away from him in shock. You’re a, no it can’t be. I can’t believe it! How did you survive?” She asked, curiously with a smile on her face. “What matters is that I did.” The Doctor replied, holding out his left hand in front of her. If you are coming with me we have to go now.” The Doctor replies taking his hand the Doctor and Chitaria start to run towards the reception desk “Doctor!” a voice calls out behind him. Stopping quickly he turns around only to see Tiri Staring at him you’re done with making sure Donna is ok meet me down here again before you go. I have something you might find very interesting.” “Yes sure.” He replied running back to Donna along Chitaria close behind him. “Right so where do we go to run diagnostic tests?” The Doctor asks as he stares at Maylord and Kimura. Pausing for a moment Kimura looks at Donna. “Well judging by how severe it is we need to take her to see a doctor in the emergency ward that’s on the third floor There’s a transport capsule just down this hall way and to the right. “Well then best get a move on quick as we can.” The Doctor replied as he ran passed them. “Chitaria! Follow me. We’ve got to make sure that a transport capsule is not taken by someone else, come on!” Running down the hall Chitaria saw a number of doors along the left hand side wall. At the top of each door there were a series of symbols that she didn’t recognise.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 04:24:39 +0000

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